该课题组最近发现,通过神经元细胞膜NgR1受体(nogo receptor 1)传递的信号对大脑形成长时记忆过程中有重要作用。当神经细胞被激活后,NgR1基因关闭,课题组猜测NgR1基因失活或许对形成长时记忆有关。
PNAS November 13, 2009, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0905390106
Nogo receptor 1 regulates formation of lasting memories
Alexandra Karléna, Tobias E. Karlssona,1, Anna Mattssona,1, Karin Lundstr?mera, Simone Codeluppia, Therese M. Phamb, Cristina M. B?ckmanc, Sven Ove ?grena, Elin ?berga, Alexander F. Hoffmanc, Michael A. Sherlingc, Carl R. Lupicac, Barry J. Hofferc, Christian Spengerd, Anna Josephsona, Stefan Brenéb and Lars Olsona,2
aDepartment of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Retzius v?g 8, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden;
bDepartment of Neurobiology, Caring Sciences and Society, and
dDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, 141 86 Stockholm, Sweden; and
cNational Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, 251 Bayview Dr., Baltimore, MD 21224
Formation of lasting memories is believed to rely on structural alterations at the synaptic level. We had found that increased neuronal activity down-regulates Nogo receptor-1 (NgR1) in brain regions linked to memory formation and storage, and postulated this to be required for formation of lasting memories. We now show that mice with inducible overexpression of NgR1 in forebrain neurons have normal long-term potentiation and normal 24-h memory, but severely impaired month-long memory in both passive avoidance and swim maze tests. Blocking transgene expression normalizes these memory impairments. Nogo, Lingo-1, Troy, endogenous NgR1, and BDNF mRNA expression levels were not altered by transgene expression, suggesting that the impaired ability to form lasting memories is directly coupled to inability to down-regulate NgR1. Regulation of NgR1 may therefore serve as a key regulator of memory consolidation. Understanding the molecular underpinnings of synaptic rearrangements that carry lasting memories may facilitate development of treatments for memory dysfunction.