苏黎世大学的科学家发现了违背承诺的大脑生理学基础。大脑活动的类型甚至能够预测某人是否会在将来破坏承诺。这项研究是由Thomas Baumgartner博士和Ernst Fehr教授负责的。该研究结果发布在12月10日的Neuron上。
Neuron, Volume 64, Issue 5, 756-770, 10 December 2009 doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2009.11.017
The Neural Circuitry of a Broken Promise
Thomas Baumgartner1, 6, , , Urs Fischbacher2, 3, 6, Anja Feierabend1, Kai Lutz4 and Ernst Fehr1, 5, ,
1 Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland
2 Department of Economics, University of Konstanz, Germany
3 Thurgau Institute of Economics, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
4 Institute of Psychology, Department of Neuropsychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
5 Collegium Helveticum, Switzerland
Promises are one of the oldest human-specific psychological mechanisms fostering cooperation and trust. Here, we study the neural underpinnings of promise keeping and promise breaking. Subjects first make a promise decision (promise stage), then they anticipate whether the promise affects the interaction partner's decision (anticipation stage) and are subsequently free to keep or break the promise (decision stage). Findings revealed that the breaking of the promise is associated with increased activation in the DLPFC, ACC, and amygdala, suggesting that the dishonest act involves an emotional conflict due to the suppression of the honest response. Moreover, the breach of the promise can be predicted by a perfidious brain activity pattern (anterior insula, ACC, inferior frontal gyrus) during the promise and anticipation stage, indicating that brain measurements may reveal malevolent intentions before dishonest or deceitful acts are actually committed.