通过之前为支持运动神经发育的大脑变化而建立的一个新的动物模型,瑞典兰德大学的神经生理学家Martin Garwicz和他的同事发现,雪貂和小鼠获得不同运动技巧的时间表——例如攀爬和行走——彼此具有惊人的相似性,只不过小鼠的发育稍微快一些。这便让研究人员不得不考虑,哺乳动物运动神经的发育在时间上到底有多大的差异。
美国康奈尔大学的神经科学家Barbara Finlay表示,这一发现支持了一类哺乳动物发育“时钟”的存在。在她自己的研究工作中,Finlay已经发现,在出生之前,不同的哺乳动物具有类似的大脑发育时间表。但是她相信,行走作为出生后的一个里程碑将具有更加特殊的意义。Finlay说:“我感到很惊讶。我认为这台时钟应该运行到老。”她说,搞清这一时钟能否合拍直至下一个里程碑——例如与繁殖有关的事件——将是一件很有趣的研究。(生物谷Bioon.com)
PNAS December 14, 2009, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0905777106
A unifying model for timing of walking onset in humans and other mammals
Martin Garwicza,1, Maria Christenssona and Elia Psounib,c
aNeuronano Research Center, BMC F10, Lund University, 221 84 Lund, Sweden;
bCenter for Psychology, Kristianstad University, 291 88 Kristianstad, Sweden; and
cDepartment of Psychology, Lund University, 221 84 Lund, Sweden
The onset of walking is a fundamental milestone in motor development of humans and other mammals, yet little is known about what factors determine its timing. Hoofed animals start walking within hours after birth, rodents and small carnivores require days or weeks, and nonhuman primates take months and humans approximately a year to achieve this locomotor skill. Here we show that a key to the explanation for these differences is that time to the onset of walking counts from conception and not from birth, indicating that mechanisms underlying motor development constitute a functional continuum from pre- to postnatal life. In a multiple-regression model encompassing 24 species representative of 11 extant orders of placental mammals that habitually walk on the ground, including humans, adult brain mass accounted for 94% of variance in time to walking onset postconception. A dichotomous variable reflecting species differences in functional limb anatomy accounted for another 3.8% of variance. The model predicted the timing of walking onset in humans with high accuracy, showing that this milestone in human motor development occurs no later than expected given the mass of the adult human brain, which in turn reflects the duration of its ontogenetic development. The timing of motor development appears to be highly conserved in mammalian evolution as the ancestors of some of the species in the sample presented here diverged in phylogenesis as long as 100 million years ago. Fundamental patterns of early human life history may therefore have evolved before the evolution of primates.