然而不同的人得出的结论不一样。每当一个较为中性的面孔从电脑右上角出现时,某些受试者会称该脸孔属于一个女人,而另外一些人则称这是一张男人的脸。此项研究的负责人阿拉什·阿夫纳兹博士(Dr Arash Afraz)说:“以前我们认为人们只要看一眼一个人的面部就能判断出他的性别,结果出人意料,明明看到的是两张相同的脸,却认为他们看起来不一样。”
研究人员解释道,产生这种判断差异的可能原因是“抽样偏差(sampling bias)”。抽样偏差是指在抽样调查中除抽样误差(抽样方法本身所引起的误差)以外,由于各种原因而引起的一些偏差。据说,运用抽样进行民意调查的技术与方法,历经各种研究与修正,数年来在美国历次总体大选所做的民意调查的预测结果与大选结果几乎完全吻合。例如,如果伦敦的1000个人被问及他们会在大选中把票投给谁,调查结果应与大选结果一致。但是,如果从一条街道选五人参加调查,准确率将很难判断。阿夫纳兹博士说:“这样不会与真正的结果一致,因为样本太小了。”
长期以来神经系统科学家们一直认为大脑看待物体的方式同观察视角无关,而该研究结果使这一理论受到了挑战。此外,在人们成长过程中逐渐形成的下意识的辨别能力是人类自我没有意识到的。 (生物谷Bioon.com)
Current Biology 10.1016/j.cub.2010.11.017
Spatial Heterogeneity in the Perception of Face and Form Attributes
Arash Afraz, Maryam Vaziri Pashkam, Patrick Cavanagh
The same face may look male or female depending on its location in the visual field The spatial pattern of this effect is distinctive and stable for each individual Lack of translation invariance can be observed for other visual attributes as well Translation tolerance depends on the spatial scale of processing for each attribute
The identity of an object is a fixed property, independent of where it appears, and an effective visual system should capture this invariance [1,2,3]. However, we now report that the perceived gender of a face is strongly biased toward male or female at different locations in the visual field. The spatial pattern of these biases was distinctive and stable for each individual. Identical neutral faces looked different when they were presented simultaneously at locations maximally biased to opposite genders. A similar effect was observed for perceived age of faces. We measured the magnitude of this perceptual heterogeneity for four other visual judgments: perceived aspect ratio, orientation discrimination, spatial-frequency discrimination, and color discrimination. The effect was sizeable for the aspect ratio task but substantially smaller for the other three tasks. We also evaluated perceptual heterogeneity for facial gender and orientation tasks at different spatial scales. Strong heterogeneity was observed even for the orientation task when tested at small scales. We suggest that perceptual heterogeneity is a general property of visual perception and results from undersampling of the visual signal at spatial scales that are small relative to the size of the receptive fields associated with each visual attribute.