香港第一位“女性诺贝尔奖”得主、科技大学新任理学院院长叶玉如,最近在分子神经方面的研究再度取得骄人成绩,成功地解开了脑部神经信号传递之谜,协助延缓患者的认知衰退。两项原创性科研成果,今年分别刊载于 Nature Neuroscience 及 Neuron 两份神经科学界最具权威性的学术期刊上。
Nature Neuroscience doi:10.1038/nn.2715
APCCdh1 mediates EphA4-dependent downregulation of AMPA receptors in homeostatic plasticity
Amy K Y Fu,Kwok-Wang Hung,Wing-Yu Fu,Chong Shen,Yu Chen,Jun Xia,Kwok-On Lai& Nancy Y Ip
Homeostatic plasticity is crucial for maintaining neuronal output by counteracting unrestrained changes in synaptic strength. Chronic elevation of synaptic activity by bicuculline reduces the amplitude of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs), but the underlying mechanisms of this effect remain unclear. We found that activation of EphA4 resulted in a decrease in synaptic and surface GluR1 and attenuated mEPSC amplitude through a degradation pathway that requires the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Elevated synaptic activity resulted in increased tyrosine phosphorylation of EphA4, which associated with the ubiquitin ligase anaphase-promoting complex (APC) and its activator Cdh1 in neurons in a ligand-dependent manner. APCCdh1 interacted with and targeted GluR1 for proteasomal degradation in vitro, whereas depletion of Cdh1 in neurons abolished the EphA4-dependent downregulation of GluR1. Knockdown of EphA4 or Cdh1 prevented the reduction in mEPSC amplitude in neurons that was a result of chronic elevated activity. Our results define a mechanism by which EphA4 regulates homeostatic plasticity through an APCCdh1-dependent degradation pathway.
Neuron doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.01.012
Ephexin1 Is Required for Structural Maturation and Neurotransmission at the Neuromuscular Junction
Lei Shi, Busma Butt, Fanny C.F. Ip, Ying Dai, Liwen Jiang, Wing-Ho Yung, Michael E. Greenberg, Amy K.Y. Fu, Nancy Y. Ip
Ephexin1 is essential for synaptic transmission and muscle function at NMJs
Ephexin1 is required for the topological transformation of AChR clusters
Ephexin1 regulates the stability of AChR clusters through activation of RhoA
Ephexin1 directs synapse maturation and maintenance in a RhoA-dependent manner
The maturation of neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) requires the topological transformation of postsynaptic acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-containing structures from a simple plaque to an elaborate structure composed of pretzel-like branches. This maturation process results in the precise apposition of the presynaptic and postsynaptic specializations. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying the plaque-to-pretzel transition of AChR clusters. In this study, we identify an essential role for the RhoGEF ephexin1 in the maturation of AChR clusters. Adult ephexin1/ mice exhibit severe muscle weakness and impaired synaptic transmission at the NMJ. Intriguingly, when ephexin1 expression is deficient in vivo, the NMJ fails to mature into the pretzel-like shape, and such abnormalities can be rescued by re-expression of ephexin1. We further demonstrate that ephexin1 regulates the stability of AChR clusters in a RhoA-dependent manner. Taken together, our findings reveal an indispensible role for ephexin1 in regulating the structural maturation and neurotransmission of NMJs.