近日由美国肯尼迪瑞格研究所及其他四个合作机构的研究人员组成的一个研究小组意外发现了一条与青光眼发生及其视力丧失有关的新生物信号途径,研究成果发表在近期的 PNAS 上。
“这些研究发现令我们感到非常兴奋,它为未来的疾病治疗提供了一些新的靶点,”论文的资深作者、肯尼迪瑞格研究所的科学家Nicholas Marsh-Armstrong博士说:“我相信这些新研究发现不仅将推动青光眼的疾病治疗,对于许多其他的神经退行性疾病同样具有重要的意义。”
PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1013965108
Myelination transition zone astrocytes are constitutively phagocytic and have synuclein dependent reactivity in glaucoma
Judy V. Nguyena, Ileana Sotoa, Keun-Young Kimb, Eric A. Bushongb, Ericka Oglesbyc, Francisco J. Valiente-Sorianod, Zhiyong Yange, Chung-ha O. Davisc, Joseph L. Bedonta, Janice L. Sonc, John O. Weic, Vladimir L. Buchmanf, Donald J. Zacke, Manuel Vidal-Sanzd, Mark H. Ellismanb, and Nicholas Marsh-Armstronga,c,e,1
Optic nerve head (ONH) astrocytes have been proposed to play both protective and deleterious roles in glaucoma. We now show that, within the postlaminar ONH myelination transition zone (MTZ), there are astrocytes that normally express Mac-2 (also known as Lgals3 or galectin-3), a gene typically expressed only in phagocytic cells. Surprisingly, even in healthy mice, MTZ and other ONH astrocytes constitutive internalize large axonal evulsions that contain whole organelles. In mouse glaucoma models, MTZ astrocytes further up-regulate Mac-2 expression. During glaucomatous degeneration, there are dystrophic processes in the retina and optic nerve, including the MTZ, which contain protease resistant γ-synuclein. The increased Mac-2 expression by MTZ astrocytes during glaucoma likely depends on this γ-synuclein, as mice lacking γ-synuclein fail to up-regulate Mac-2 at the MTZ after elevation of intraocular pressure. These results suggest the possibility that a newly discovered normal degradative pathway for axons might contribute to glaucomatous neurodegeneration.