测试过程中,试验参与者只要在脑中默念,就能移动显示器上的指针。对那些因为脑损伤或中风而失去语言能力的人来说,这具有重大意义。它能帮助残疾人控制轮椅或机械臂(robotic arm),甚至会彻底改变电脑游戏业。美国密苏里州圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院的埃里克·鲁塔德博士说:“最早的一个例子称为‘读心术’,即探测人内心深处的想法,它涉及的范围非常有限。”
J. Neural Eng. doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/8/3/036004
Using the electrocorticographic speech network to control a brain–computer interface in humans
Eric C Leuthardt1,2,8, Charles Gaona1, Mohit Sharma1, Nicholas Szrama1,2, Jarod Roland2, Zac Freudenberg3, Jamie Solis2, Jonathan Breshears2 and Gerwin Schalk2,4,5,6,7
Electrocorticography (ECoG) has emerged as a new signal platform for brain–computer interface (BCI) systems. Classically, the cortical physiology that has been commonly investigated and utilized for device control in humans has been brain signals from the sensorimotor cortex. Hence, it was unknown whether other neurophysiological substrates, such as the speech network, could be used to further improve on or complement existing motor-based control paradigms. We demonstrate here for the first time that ECoG signals associated with different overt and imagined phoneme articulation can enable invasively monitored human patients to control a one-dimensional computer cursor rapidly and accurately. This phonetic content was distinguishable within higher gamma frequency oscillations and enabled users to achieve final target accuracies between 68% and 91% within 15 min. Additionally, one of the patients achieved robust control using recordings from a microarray consisting of 1 mm spaced microwires. These findings suggest that the cortical network associated with speech could provide an additional cognitive and physiologic substrate for BCI operation and that these signals can be acquired from a cortical array that is small and minimally invasive.