大脑前额叶是位于灵长类动物和人大脑半球额部的一块皮层,这块皮层和灵长类高度发达的智力有明显的关系,被称为“脑中之脑”。尽管对前额叶在脑高级功能中的作用谁都不会怀疑,但很多具体的细节还是不甚清楚,比如背侧大脑前额叶在处理工作记忆信息时,是否处理所有的空间工作记忆信息?他们的研究结果清楚地显示了背侧前额叶仅对自我为中心的空间信息处理负责,而与大环境为中心的空间信息处理无关。那么其意义是什么呢?在动物界数千种动物中,只有人,大猿,海豚,大象和鸽子少数几种动物能认识自己的镜像,这种能力被认为是自我意识产生的萌芽。在前额叶背侧部,一些神经元可能同动物的体态语言和”精神图象”有关,而语言和精神图象在自我意识的产生中,有着十分重要的作用。他们认为背侧部前额叶以自我为中心的空间功能可能不仅仅同工作记忆有关,而更可能同“自我意识” 的产生有着相当密切的关系。
该研究结果得到了国际相关研究领域的重视,最近,英国一家著名的神经科学杂志Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews(IF 7.8)特邀请该研究团队对其系列研究工作撰写了一篇综述文章《The egocentric spatial reference frame used in dorsal–lateral prefrontal working memory in primates, YuanYe Ma et al, 2011 》。这篇论文现已经在网上发表。(生物谷
Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2011 Apr 3.
The egocentric spatial reference frame used in dorsal-lateral prefrontal working memory in primates.
Ma Y, Hu X, Wilson FA.
SourceState Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 32 Jaochang donglu, Kunming, PR China, 650223; State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PR China, 100101.
The dorsal-lateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) has been proposed to be the site of spatial working memory (WM), and this concept has had a profound influence on functional studies of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The concept of spatial WM has been understood to mean that the location of an object is memorized for a short period of time. However, this concept of space is a simplification. To process the spatial information, different spatial frames can be used. In this review, the authors present data from their own laboratory to argue that the dlPFC is related to the egocentric spatial information processing (ESIP) in WM. The goal of this review is to introduce and discuss the egocentric spatial reference frame (ESRF) located in the dlPFC. The ESIP in the PFC might be involved in self-recognition.