加拿大科学家日前在最新一期美国《内科学文献》(Archives of Internal Medicine)月刊上发表研究报告指出,慢节奏活动有助于减缓认知障碍的出现。
《内科学文献》刊登的另一篇研究报告也指出,在5年的时间内,每天对一组患有心血管疾病或有患病风险的70岁妇女进行认知能力测试结果显示,其中最活跃的志愿者选择的锻炼方式也不过是散步,这使她们的认知能力受损的速度有所减缓,尽管记忆力仍在减退,但速度要慢于久坐不动的人。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Activity Energy Expenditure and Incident Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults
Laura E. Middleton, PhD; Todd M. Manini, PhD; Eleanor M. Simonsick, PhD; Tamara B. Harris, MD, MS; Deborah E. Barnes, PhD; Frances Tylavsky, DrPH; Jennifer S. Brach, PhD, PT; James E. Everhart, MD, MPH; Kristine Yaffe, MD
Studies suggest that physically active people have reduced risk of incident cognitive impairment in late life. However, these studies are limited by reliance on self-reports of physical activity, which only moderately correlate with objective measures and often exclude activity not readily quantifiable by frequency and duration. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between activity energy expenditure (AEE), an objective measure of total activity, and incidence of cognitive impairment. After adjustment for baseline Modified Mini-Mental State Examination scores, demographics, fat-free mass, sleep duration, self-reported health, and diabetes mellitus, older adults in the highest sex-specific tertile of AEE had lower odds of incident cognitive impairment than those in the lowest tertile (odds ratio, 0.09; 95% confidence interval, 0.01-0.79). There was also a significant dose response between AEE and incidence of cognitive impairment (P = .05 for trend over tertiles). These findings indicate that greater AEE may be protective against cognitive impairment in a dose-response manner. The significance of overall activity in contrast to vigorous or light activity should be determined.