据说活的时间更长对形成更大的大脑有好处,这包括祖母和其他老年人帮助抚养后代。不过科学家表示,这可能会导致“人类遭受更多累积的神经学方面的衰老”。他们说:“虽然扩大大脑和延长寿命让人类具备至关重要的适应能力,但是这些适应性终究是要付出代价的。这些因素导致很多老年人受到神经变性的困扰。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Aging of the cerebral cortex differs between humans and chimpanzees
Sherwood, Chet C.; Gordon, Adam D.; Allen, John S.; Phillips, Kimberley A.; Erwin, Joseph M.; Hof, Patrick R.; Hopkins, William D.
Several biological changes characterize normal brain aging in humans. Although some of these age-associated neural alterationsare also found in other species, overt volumetric decline of particular brain structures, such as the hippocampus and frontallobe, has only been observed in humans. However, comparable data on the effects of aging on regional brain volumes have notpreviously been available from our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees. In this study, we used MRI to measure the volumeof the whole brain, total neocortical gray matter, total neocortical white matter, frontal lobe gray matter, frontal lobewhite matter, and the hippocampus in a cross-sectional sample of 99 chimpanzee brains encompassing the adult lifespan from10 to 51 y of age. We compared these data to brain structure volumes measured in 87 adult humans from 22 to 88 y of age. Incontrast to humans, who showed a decrease in the volume of all brain structures over the lifespan, chimpanzees did not displaysignificant age-related changes. Using an iterative age-range reduction procedure, we found that the significant aging effectsin humans were because of the leverage of individuals that were older than the maximum longevity of chimpanzees. Thus, weconclude that the increased magnitude of brain structure shrinkage in human aging is evolutionarily novel and the result ofan extended lifespan.