近日中科院上海生命科学研究院营养科学研究所的研究人员在新研究中揭示了亮氨酸缺乏时中枢神经系统调节外周脂质代谢的机制,相关研究论文在线发表在国际内分泌领域著名期刊《分子内分泌学》(Molecular Endocrinology)上。
在本研究中,郭非凡研究组的博士生成瀛和张倩等人发现,用亮氨酸缺乏饲料喂养的小鼠经侧脑室注射亮氨酸后,能够很快恢复下丘脑内的亮氨酸水平;并能够阻止亮氨酸缺乏导致的白色脂肪丢失和褐色脂肪产热增加的表型变化。研究表明,中枢注射亮氨酸能够改变白色脂肪组织激素敏感脂肪酶(hormone-sensitive lipase, HSL)的磷酸化水平和褐色脂肪组织解耦联蛋白1 (uncoupling protein 1, UCP1)的表达水平。进一步的机制研究发现,亮氨酸缺乏导致下丘脑中室旁核中促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素 (corticotropin-releasing hormone, CRH)表达增加,进而激活交感神经系统,一方面促进其支配的白色脂肪组织内脂增加,表现为HSL磷酸化水平增加;另一方面,促进其支配的褐色脂肪组织内能量消耗增加,表现为UCP1表达升高;两者共同作用引起腹部脂肪快速丢失。在体外实验中通过使用各种特异性抑制剂,发现亮氨酸缺乏激活下丘脑神经元的Gs/cAMP/PKA/CREB信号通路,CREB直接作用于CRH的启动子区域而调节CRH的表达。
该项研究首次阐明下丘脑CRH受亮氨酸水平调控,并且是亮氨酸缺乏引起外周脂质和能量代谢变化的核心调节因子。该研究成果为进一步研究中枢感应氨基酸及调控外周脂质代谢奠定了坚实基础,丰富了人们对中枢神经系统调控外周代谢的认识,有助于加深人们对肥胖及相关过代谢性疾病发生机制的理解。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Leucine Deprivation Stimulates Fat Loss via Increasing CRH Expression in The Hypothalamus and Activating The Sympathetic Nervous System
Ying Cheng, Qian Zhang, Qingshu Meng, Tingting Xia, Zhiying Huang, Chunxia Wang, Bin Liu, Shanghai Chen, Fei Xiao, Ying Du and Feifan Guo
We previously showed that leucine deprivation decreases abdominal fat mass largely by increasing energy expenditure, as demonstrated by increased lipolysis in white adipose tissue (WAT) and uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) expression in brown adipose tissue (BAT). The goal of the present study was to investigate the possible involvement of central nervous system (CNS) in this regulation and elucidate underlying molecular mechanisms. For this purpose, levels of genes and proteins related to lipolysis in WAT and UCP1 expression in BAT were analyzed in wild-type mice after intracerebroventricular administration of leucine or corticotrophin-releasing hormone antibodies, or in mice deleted for three β-adrenergic receptors, after being maintained on a leucine-deficient diet for 7 d. Here, we show that intracerebroventricular administration of leucine significantly attenuates abdominal fat loss and blocks activation of hormone sensitive lipase in WAT and induction of UCP1 in BAT in leucine-deprived mice. Furthermore, we provide evidence that leucine deprivation stimulates fat loss by increasing expression of corticotrophin-releasing hormone in the hypothalamus via activation of stimulatory G protein/cAMP/protein kinase A/cAMP response element-binding protein pathway. Finally, we show that the effect of leucine deprivation on fat loss is mediated by activation of the sympathetic nervous system. These results suggest that CNS plays an important role in regulating fat loss under leucine deprivation and thereby provide novel and important insights concerning the importance of CNS leucine in the regulation of energy homeostasis.