同样但更为显著的变化,在那些最初在孤儿院中长大而后被收养的儿童的大脑中也被发现了。满足儿童需要的个性化的照料或许是这里的关键因素。蒙特利尔大学博士Sophie Parent和Jean Séguin等多年跟踪研究这些儿童,她们解释说:“其他研究表明,情绪沮丧的母亲对儿童的需要不是那么敏感,她们通常沉默寡言、淡然。”
尽管这项研究尚未能搞清楚杏仁核增大的原因,研究人员注意到,收养研究也显示出,那些幼年即被相对富裕的家庭收养的儿童的杏仁核并没有增大。Lupien认为,“这种现象强烈地暗示,大脑或许对于生命早期的发展环境有着高度的灵敏反应,同时也确定了开展早期干预以帮助儿童克服逆境的重要性。” Séguin补充说:“胎儿和婴儿时期护士进行家访、改善日托的条件等措施或许能够缓和因父母照顾而对儿童大脑带来的影响。下一步的一些研究,比如测试这些预防项目的效果、观察儿童在不同阶段受到情绪消沉母亲影响以及观察儿童以不同的时间长度受母亲的影响等,这些研究将让我们更清楚地了解杏仁核为什么会增大,长期会带来怎样的后果,以及如何能阻止这种情况的发生。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Larger amygdala but no change in hippocampal volume in 10-year-old children exposed to maternal depressive symptomatology since birth
Lupien, Sonia J.; Parent, Sophie; Evans, Alan C.; Tremblay, Richard E.; Zelazo, Philip David; Corbo, Vincent; Pruessner, Jens C.; Séguin, Jean R.
Maternal separation and poor maternal care in animals have been shown to have important effects on the developing hippocampusand amygdala. In humans, children exposed to abuse/maltreatment or orphanage rearing do not present changes in hippocampalvolumes. However, children reared in orphanages present enlarged amygdala volumes, suggesting that the amygdala may be particularlysensitive to severely disturbed (i.e., discontinous, neglectful) care in infancy. Maternal depressive symptomatology has beenassociated with reductions in overall sensitivity to the infant, and with an increased rate of withdrawn, disengaged behaviors.To determine if poor maternal care associated with maternal depressive symptomatology has a similar pattern of associationto the volumes of the hippocampus and amygdala in children, as is the case for severely disturbed infant care (orphanage rearing),we measured hippocampal and amygdala volumes as well as stress hormone (glucocorticoid) levels in children exposed (n = 17) or not (n = 21) to maternal depressive symptomatology since birth. Results revealed no group difference in hippocampal volumes, butlarger left and right amygdala volumes and increased levels of glucocorticoids in the children of mothers presenting depressivesymptomatology since birth. Moreover, a significant positive correlation was observed between mothers' mean depressive scoresand amygdala volumes in their children. The results of this study suggest that amygdala volume in human children may representan early marker of biological sensitivity to quality of maternal care.