该项目的研究人员近日在《人类神经科学前沿》(Frontiers in Human Neuroscience)期刊上公布了上述结论。他们通过功能性磁振造影(fMRI)的方法,来确定受试者在想到胡萝卜、马和房子等具体物体时大脑的活动情况,随后又试验了一系列与这些物体相关的主题,发现同一个主题内的词语引发的大脑活动图像相似。例如,当一个人在思考“家具”这一抽象概念时,他的大脑活动图与思考“饭桌”、“办公桌”和“椅子”等实物时产生的图像相似。
据介绍,该项目的最终目标是弄清大脑的全部活动情况,并用“恰当的文字将其记录下来”。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Generating text from functional brain images
Francisco Pereira, Greg Detre,and Matthew Botvinick
Recent work has shown that it is possible to take brain images acquired during viewing of a scene and reconstruct an approximation of the scene from those images. Here we show that it is also possible to generate text about the mental content reflected in brain images. We began with images collected as participants read names of concrete items (e.g., “Apartment’’) while also seeing line drawings of the item named. We built a model of the mental semantic representation of concrete concepts from text data and learned to map aspects of such representation to patterns of activation in the corresponding brain image. In order to validate this mapping, without accessing information about the items viewed for left-out individual brain images, we were able to generate from each one a collection of semantically pertinent words (e.g., “door,” “window” for “Apartment’’). Furthermore, we show that the ability to generate such words allows us to perform a classification task and thus validate our method quantitatively.