美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校感知系统中心的心理学家Wilson Geisler和Johannes Burge如今研制出了一种简单的算法,能够快速而准确地评估从一个单一模糊的影像产生的聚焦误差,他们说这是理解生物视觉系统如何避免采用同数码相机类似的重复推测和检查方法的关键所在。研究人员表示,这一发现有望推进我们对于人类如何患上近视眼的理解,或者帮助工程师改进数码相机。
两位科学家随后通过向模型中添加一套滤光片来尝试模拟人类视觉系统如何处理这些影像。研究人员在计算机模拟中通过系统地改变焦距误差来模糊这些影像,并测试滤光片的响应。他们发现,他们能够通过在特征检测器中观察到的响应模式来预测聚焦误差的准确数量。研究人员表示,这为人类和动物的大脑如何能够快速而准确地确定聚焦误差而不用推测和检查提供了一个潜在的解释。研究人员在日前的美国《国家科学院院刊》网络版上报告了这一研究成果。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Optimal defocus estimation in individual natural images
Johannes Burge1 and Wilson S. Geisler
Defocus blur is nearly always present in natural images: Objects at only one distance can be perfectly focused. Images of objects at other distances are blurred by an amount depending on pupil diameter and lens properties. Despite the fact that defocus is of great behavioral, perceptual, and biological importance, it is unknown how biological systems estimate defocus. Given a set of natural scenes and the properties of the vision system, we show from first principles how to optimally estimate defocus at each location in any individual image. We show for the human visual system that high-precision, unbiased estimates are obtainable under natural viewing conditions for patches with detectable contrast. The high quality of the estimates is surprising given the heterogeneity of natural images. Additionally, we quantify the degree to which the sign ambiguity often attributed to defocus is resolved by monochromatic aberrations (other than defocus) and chromatic aberrations; chromatic aberrations fully resolve the sign ambiguity. Finally, we show that simple spatial and spatio-chromatic receptive fields extract the information optimally. The approach can be tailored to any environment–vision system pairing: natural or man-made, animal or machine. Thus, it provides a principled general framework for analyzing the psychophysics and neurophysiology of defocus estimation in species across the animal kingdom and for developing optimal image-based defocus and depth estimation algorithms for computational vision systems.