仙女蜂(Megaphragma mymaripenne)确实微小,如此之微小,人们很难用肉眼看到它们。当跟阿米巴变形虫和草履虫一起放在载玻片上,它是当中最小的有机体。正因为此,俄罗斯莫斯科国立大学的一个研究小组开始着手研究如此微小的昆虫种神经系统将如何运转。就像该小组在发表在Science Direct旗下杂志上的论文描述的那样,仙女峰,昆虫界第三小的生物,拥有大量没有细胞核的神经元。
The smallest insects evolve anucleate neurons
Alexey A. Polilov
The smallest insects are comparable in size to unicellular organisms. Thus, their size affects their structure not only at the organ level, but also at the cellular level. Here we report the first finding of animals with an almost entirely anucleate nervous system. Adults of the smallest flying insects of the parasitic wasp genus Megaphragma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) have only 339–372 nuclei in the central nervous system, i.e., their ganglia, including the brain, consist almost exclusively of processes of neurons. In contrast, their pupae have ganglia more typical of other insects, with about 7400 nuclei in the central nervous system. During the final phases of pupal development, most neuronal cell bodies lyse. As adults, these insects have many fewer nucleated neurons, a small number of cell bodies in different stages of lysis, and about 7000 anucleate cells. Although most neurons lack nuclei, these insects exhibit many important behaviors, including flight and searching for hosts.