长期以来,有关肌肉疲劳的研究多数局限于肌肉本身的变化。现在,苏黎世大学和苏黎世理工学院的最新论文"Fatigue-induced increase in intracortical communication between mid/anterior insular and motor cortex during cycling exercise"将研究重点转向了大脑研究,相关论文发表在最新一期的European Journal of Neuroscience杂志上。
我们自主调动肌肉的程度取决于动机、意志力或身体条件以及肌肉的疲劳水平。而后者会导致明显可测的肌肉性能损伤。由苏黎世大学的神经心理学家Kai Lutz和苏黎世理工学院运动科学与体育研究中心的Urs Boutellier共同主导该项研究。研究者们首次发现,在导致肌肉疲劳的运动过程中,神经元活动导致降低肌肉的活力。
“这可以认为是证实了神经系统不仅是向大脑传递信息,并且实际上对有关肌肉运动的活性具有调节作用,”Lea Hilty总结目前的研究成果说道。
Kai Lutz指出,这些研究成果打开了一些新的研究领域:“这些发现是探索肌肉疲劳中大脑所起作用中重要的 一步。基于这些研究,将不仅仅有可能发展出优化肌肉性能的策略,还可以对各种疾病中退化的肌肉性能进行特定研究。”
Fatigue-induced increase in intracortical communication between mid/anterior insular and motor cortex during cycling exercise
Lea Hilty, Nicolas Langer, Roberto Pascual-Marqui, Urs Boutellier, Kai Lutz
In the present study, intracortical communication between mid/anterior insular and motor cortex was investigated during a fatiguing cycling exercise. From 16 healthy male subjects performing a constant-load test at 60% peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) until volitional exhaustion, electroencephalography data were analysed during repetitive, artefact-free periods of 1-min duration. To quantify fatigue-induced intracortical communication, mean intra-hemispheric lagged phase synchronization between mid/anterior insular and motor cortex was calculated: (i) at the beginning of cycling; (ii) at the end of cycling; and (iii) during recovery cycling. Results revealed significantly increased lagged phase synchronization at the end of cycling, which returned to baseline during recovery cycling after subjects’ cessation of exercise. Following previous imaging studies reporting the mid/anterior insular cortex as an essential instance processing a variety of sensory stimuli and signalling forthcoming physiological threat, our results provide further evidence that during a fatiguing exercise this structure might not only integrate and evaluate sensory information from the periphery, but also act in communication with the motor cortex. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to empirically demonstrate that muscle fatigue leads to changes in interaction between structures of a brain’s neural network.