近日,国家著名杂志《细胞》Cell上发表了西奈山医学院的研究人员的最新研究成果“Decoding the Signaling of a GPCR Heteromeric Complex Reveals a Unifying Mechanism of Action of Antipsychotic Drugs。”,研究人员发现抗精神病药在由两种精神分裂症相关性大脑受体组成的复合体中诱导的细胞信号传导模式,该发现将促使研究人员预测新化合物治疗精神分裂症及其它严重精神障碍的疗效,可能会加快强效抗精神病药的研发。
在该研究中,由西奈山医学院精神病学与神经病学副教授Javier Gonzalez-Maeso博士与弗吉尼亚联邦大学生理学与生物物理学教授及系主任Diomedes Logothetis博士带领的研究团队探究了抗精神病药与致幻剂对两种与精神分裂症相关的脑受体(谷氨酸mGlu2受体与5-羟色胺5-HT2A受体)的效应。致幻剂用于诱导精神分裂症的一项主要症状。
“在研究前两期,我们在受体复合体如何形成、如何发送信号及药物如何改变该信号活动以治疗或引起精神病上已有重要发现,”该研究第一作者Miguel Fribourg博士说道,Miguel Fribourg在Stuart Sealfon博士的实验室读博士后,Stuart Sealfon是该研究的共同作者及西奈山医学院神经系Glickenhaus教授与系主任。
该研究是西奈山医学院、弗吉尼亚联邦大学与马里兰大学药学院共同努力的结果。“这是一项基于团队的合作性研究典范,结合了从细胞分子生物学至计算生物物理学、神经化学及行为药理学的多学科方法,”西奈山结构与化学生物学副教授Marta Filizola博士说道。Filizola博士的团队通过计算机模拟有助于了解抗精神病药诱导谷氨酸-5-羟色胺信号通路的机制。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Decoding the Signaling of a GPCR Heteromeric Complex Reveals a Unifying Mechanism of Action of Antipsychotic Drugs
Miguel Fribourg, José L. Moreno, Terrell Holloway, Davide Provasi, Lia Baki, Rahul Mahajan, Gyu Park, Scott K. Adney, Candice Hatcher, José M. Eltit, Jeffrey D. Ruta, Laura Albizu, Zheng Li, Adrienne Umali, Jihyun Shim, Alexandre Fabiato, Alexander D. MacKerell, Vladimir Brezina, Stuart C. Sealfon, Marta Filizola, Javier González-Maeso, Diomedes E.
Highlights Endogenous signals via 2AR/mGluR2 enhance Gi and reduce Gq signaling Atypical and glutamate antipsychotics promote high Gi to Gq activity Psychedelics signal via 2AR/mGluR2 to decrease the Gi to Gq difference The balance index explains the basis for combined antipsychotics therapy Summary Atypical antipsychotic drugs, such as clozapine and risperidone, have a high affinity for the serotonin 5-HT2A G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), the 2AR, which signals via a Gq heterotrimeric G protein. The closely related non-antipsychotic drugs, such as ritanserin and methysergide, also block 2AR function, but they lack comparable neuropsychological effects. Why some but not all 2AR inhibitors exhibit antipsychotic properties remains unresolved. We now show that a heteromeric complex between the 2AR and the Gi-linked GPCR, metabotropic glutamate 2 receptor (mGluR2), integrates ligand input, modulating signaling output and behavioral changes. Serotonergic and glutamatergic drugs bind the mGluR2/2AR heterocomplex, which then balances Gi- and Gq-dependent signaling. We find that the mGluR2/2AR-mediated changes in Gi and Gq activity predict the psychoactive behavioral effects of a variety of pharmocological compounds. These observations provide mechanistic insight into antipsychotic action that may advance therapeutic strategies for disorders including schizophrenia and dementia.