12月8号,发布在Neuropsychologia杂志上的一项报告"Does acquisition of Greeble expertise in prosopagnosia rule out a domain-general deficit"表明,脸盲症人不能识别出人面部的三维轮廓。
美国里士满大学的心理学家辛迪.布卡(Cindy Bukach)的调查报告中提出,一名脑部受损的病人没法记住脸的模样,是一种无法感知物体特征的一般征兆。患有脸盲症的病人不单单只是没法识别人脸,即使在强化训练后,他也识别不出电脑生成的三维立体物体。
在这项新的研究中,研究人员如法炮制出了8种称为Greeble的多维立体物体,同样是由三组部件,每组含两种不同的分部件分别排列组合而成,再让LR进行辨别。结果表明,LR只能在31%的时间里正确辨别,在几次强化训练后,情况仍然不能有所改善。 而让四个健康的人进行同样的辨别实验,一开始会有点困难,但经过强化训练后能辨别出大多数立体物体。
美国达特茅斯学院的心理学家布拉德利.杜查(Bradley Duchaine)之前曾报告过一个名字叫爱德华(Edward)的脸盲症病人,他一生都无法认清人的脸,但是通过学习却可以做到辨别Greeble这种立体物体。杜查认为,如果辨别脸部要依赖于学习辨别多个部件构成的物体,正常的实验者应该一开始,就和脸盲症患者一样,只能识别出很少的Greeble物体,但是经过训练过会比脸盲症患者表现好很多。杜查承认,LR的表现让人感到费解,这个研究的结果并不利于我们理解辨别脸部的机制。
Does acquisition of Greeble expertise in prosopagnosia rule out a domain-general deficit?
Bukach CM, Gauthier I, Tarr MJ, Kadlec H, Barth S, Ryan E, Turpin J, Bub DN.
According to the expertise account of face specialization, a deficit that affects general expertise mechanisms should similarly impair the expert individuation of both faces and other visually homogeneous object classes. To test this possibility, we attempted to train a prosopagnosic patient, LR, to become a Greeble expert using the standard Greeble expertise-training paradigm (Gauthier & Tarr, 2002). Previous research demonstrated that LR's prosopagnosia was related to an inability to simultaneously use multiple features in a speeded face recognition task (Bukach, Bub, Gauthier, & Tarr, 2006). We hypothesized that LR's inability to use multiple face features would manifest in his acquisition of Greeble expertise, even though his basic object recognition is unimpaired according to standard neuropsychological testing. Although LR was eventually able to reach expertise criterion, he took many more training sessions than controls, suggesting use of an abnormal strategy. To further explore LR's Greeble processing strategies, we assessed his ability to use multiple Greeble features both before and after Greeble training. LR's performance in two versions of this task demonstrates that, even after training, he relies heavily on a single feature to identify Greebles. This correspondence between LR's face recognition and post-training Greeble recognition supports the idea that impaired face recognition is simply the most visible symptom of a more general object recognition impairment in acquired prosopagnosia.