根据1月份Archives of General Psychiatry上的一篇报道,与无精神病诊断的健康青少年相比,具精神分裂症与其他精神病诊断的青少年灰白质体积减少更多,额叶中的脑脊液增加更多。
西班牙马德里Gregorio Marañón医科大学的Celso Arango博士和同事在西班牙的6岁与青少年精神病患者中,检查了首发早发性精神病大脑变化的进展和后续两年的诊断及预后的关系。作者对61例患者(25例精神分裂症患者,16例双相性精神障碍和20例其他精神病)和71例健康对照者进行大脑磁共振成像(MRI)检查。磁共振成像扫描作为研究基线,并在随后两年继续进行。
Progressive Brain Changes in Children and Adolescents With First-Episode Psychosis
Celso Arango, MD, PhD; Marta Rapado-Castro, PhD; Santiago Reig, PhD; Josefina Castro-Fornieles, MD, PhD; Ana González-Pinto, MD, PhD; Soraya Otero, MD, PhD;Inmaculada Baeza, MD, PhD; Carmen Moreno, MD; Montserrat Graell, MD; Joost Janssen, PhD; Mara Parellada, MD, PhD; Dolores Moreno, MD, PhD;Nuria Bargalló, MD, PhD; Manuel Desco, MD, PhD
Context Progressive loss of brain gray matter (GM) has been reported in childhood-onset schizophrenia; however, it is uncertain whether these changes are shared by pediatric patients with different psychoses. Objective To examine the progression of brain changes in first-episode early-onset psychosis and their relationship to diagnosis and prognosis at 2-year follow-up. Design Prospective, multicenter, naturalistic, 2-year follow-up study. Setting Six child and adolescent psychiatric units in Spain. Participants A total of 110 patients and 98 healthy controls were recruited between March 1, 2003, and November 31, 2005. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain was performed for 61 patients with schizophrenia (n = 25), bipolar disorder (n = 16), or other psychoses (n = 20) and 70 controls (both at baseline and after 2 years of follow-up). Mean age at baseline was 15.5 years (patients) and 15.3 years (controls). Main Outcome Measures The GM and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) volumes in the total brain and frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes. Results Compared with controls, patients with schizophrenia showed greater GM volume loss in the frontal lobe during the 2-year follow-up (left: -3.3 vs -0.6 cm3, P = .004; right: -3.7 vs -0.8 cm3, P = .005) and left frontal CSF volume increase (left: 6.7 vs 2.4 cm3, P = .006). In addition to frontal volume, changes for total GM (-37.1 vs -14.5 cm3, P = .001) and left parietal GM (-4.3 vs -2.2 cm3, P = .04) were significantly different in schizophrenic patients compared with controls. No significant differences emerged for patients with bipolar disease. Greater left frontal GM volume loss was related to more weeks of hospitalization, whereas severity of negative symptoms correlated with CSF increase in patients with schizophrenia. Conclusions Patients with schizophrenia or other psychoses showed greater loss of GM volume and increase of CSF in the frontal lobe relative to controls. Progressive changes were more evident in patients with schizophrenia than those with bipolar disorder. These changes in specific brain volumes after onset of psychotic symptoms may be related to markers of poorer prognosis.