因此,如果能试图找到一个或数个基因,能解释所有这些搜集的不同类型信息所组合出的"全貌",这将会是怎么情况?这正是David Glahn博士(耶鲁大学和哈特福德医院生活研究所)和他的同事们想要试图去做的。
"他们提供了一个非常激动人心的策略,将我们在试图鉴定出风险基因的过程中搜集的各种类型的临床研究数据结合起来,"John Krystal说,《生物精神病学》(Biological Psychiatry)的编辑。
"我们试图找出一种方法能将生物学测量与(精神科)疾病风险联系起来,"John Blangero博士说,德克萨斯州生物医学研究所基因组学计算中心主任。"在我们首次将这个方法应用于严重抑郁症时,我们实际上确实发现了一些令人兴奋的东西。"
"我们认为,生物学测量更接近于大脑疾病进展潜藏的机制。然而,最终我们感兴趣的是主观经验和精神疾病相关的功能障碍,"Krystal补充道。 "在这项研究中采用的方法可能有助于将所有这些信息利用起来,有希望提高我们确定导致抑郁症或可能靶向治疗基因的能力。"
High Dimensional Endophenotype Ranking in the Search for Major Depression Risk Genes
David C. Glahn, Joanne E. Curran, Anderson M. Winkler, Melanie A. Carless, Jack W. Kent, Jac C. Charlesworth, Matthew P. Johnson, Harald H.H. Göring, Shelley A. Cole, Thomas D. Dyer, Eric K. Moses, Rene L. Olvera, Peter Kochunov, Ravi Duggirala, Peter T. Fox, Laura Almasy, John Blangero.
Abstract: Background: Despite overwhelming evidence that major depression is highly heritable, recent studies have localized only a single depression-related locus reaching genome-wide significance and have yet to identify a causal gene. Focusing on family-based studies of quantitative intermediate phenotypes or endophenotypes, in tandem with studies of unrelated individuals using categorical diagnoses, should improve the likelihood of identifying major depression genes. However, there is currently no empirically derived statistically rigorous method for selecting optimal endophentypes for mental illnesses. Here, we describe the endophenotype ranking value, a new objective index of the genetic utility of endophenotypes for any heritable illness. Methods: Applying endophenotype ranking value analysis to a high-dimensional set of over 11,000 traits drawn from behavioral/neurocognitive, neuroanatomic, and transcriptomic phenotypic domains, we identified a set of objective endophenotypes for recurrent major depression in a sample of Mexican American individuals (n = 1122) from large randomly selected extended pedigrees. Results: Top-ranked endophenotypes included the Beck Depression Inventory, bilateral ventral diencephalon volume, and expression levels of the RNF123 transcript. To illustrate the utility of endophentypes in this context, each of these traits were utlized along with disease status in bivariate linkage analysis. A genome-wide significant quantitative trait locus was localized on chromsome 4p15 (logarithm of odds = 3.5) exhibiting pleiotropic effects on both the endophenotype (lymphocyte-derived expression levels of the RNF123 gene) and disease risk. Conclusions: The wider use of quantitative endophenotypes, combined with unbiased methods for selecting among these measures, should spur new insights into the biological mechanisms that influence mental illnesses like major depression.