加州大学洛杉矶分校神经科学家已经证明,他们能通过刺激大脑中一个关键接合处来强化患者的记忆。发表在2月9日版的New England Journal of Medicine上的研究发现能导致形成一种提高早期老年痴呆症患者记忆的新方法。
"内嗅皮质是大脑记忆主机的金大门", 加州大学洛杉矶分校David Geffen医学院神经外科教授、通讯作者Itzhak Fried博士解释道,"每一种视觉和感官经历,我们最后通过海马的这个门口交付给记忆漏斗。我们的大脑细胞必须通过这个枢纽发送信号,为了形成我们后来有意识地想起的记忆。"
"丧失记忆最近事件和形成新记忆的能力是人类疾病的一个最可怕的苦难", Fried说,"我们的初步结果提供了支持增强记忆的一个可能机制的证据,尤其是老年人或患有早老性痴呆的人。同时,我们研究了小样本的患者,于是我们的研究结果应谨慎解释。"
Fried的合著者包括第一作者Nanthia Suthana以及Zulfi Haneef博士、John Stern博士、Roy Mukamel博士、Eric Behnke博士和 Barbara Knowlton博士,所有人都来自加州大学洛杉矶分校。研究由美国国立神经疾病和中风研究所和德纳基金会资助经费。(生物谷bioon.com)
Memory Enhancement and Deep-Brain Stimulation of the Entorhinal Area
Nanthia Suthana, Zulfi Haneef, John Stern, Roy Mukamel, Eric Behnke, Barbara Knowlton, Itzhak Fried
Abstract BACKGROUND:The medial temporal structures, including the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex, are critical for the ability to transform daily experience into lasting memories. We tested the hypothesis that deep-brain stimulation of the hippocampus or entorhinal cortex alters memory performance. METHODS:We implanted intracranial depth electrodes in seven subjects to identify seizure-onset zones for subsequent epilepsy surgery. The subjects completed a spatial learning task during which they learned destinations within virtual environments. During half the learning trials, focal electrical stimulation was given below the threshold that elicits an afterdischarge (i.e., a neuronal discharge that occurs after termination of the stimulus). RESULTS:Entorhinal stimulation applied while the subjects learned locations of landmarks enhanced their subsequent memory of these locations: the subjects reached these landmarks more quickly and by shorter routes, as compared with locations learned without stimulation. Entorhinal stimulation also resulted in a resetting of the phase of the theta rhythm, as shown on the hippocampal electroencephalogram. Direct hippocampal stimulation was not effective. In this small series, no adverse events associated with the procedure were observed. CONCLUSIONS:Stimulation of the entorhinal region enhanced memory of spatial information when applied during learning. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Dana Foundation.)