近日,国际著名杂志《自然—神经学》(Nature Neuroscience)在线刊登了中科院上海生命科学研究院神经研究所,加州大学伯克利分校等处的研究人员的最新研究成果“Activity recall in a visual cortical ensemble,”,文章中,作者分析了视觉皮层中的回忆激发,这为更深入了解记忆时序性提供了重要信息。
由大脑高等区域主导的按学习时间顺序的线索提示记忆是一种重要的认知功能,在这篇文章中,研究人员通过对麻醉和清醒的大鼠进行了追踪分析,发现利用一个能激发初级视觉皮层神经元(primary visual cortex (V1) neurons)顺序激发的移动点,进行反复刺激之后,研究人员只需要用这一运动途径中起始点的短暂闪光,就能激发大鼠的顺序激发模式,再现这一移动点的激活顺序。
Activity recall in a visual cortical ensemble
Shengjin Xu,1, 2, 5 Wanchen Jiang,1, 2, 5 Mu-ming Poo1, 3 & Yang Dan3, 4
Cue-triggered recall of learned temporal sequences is an important cognitive function that has been attributed to higher brain areas. Here recordings in both anesthetized and awake rats demonstrate that after repeated stimulation with a moving spot that evoked sequential firing of an ensemble of primary visual cortex (V1) neurons, just a brief flash at the starting point of the motion path was sufficient to evoke a sequential firing pattern that reproduced the activation order evoked by the moving spot. The speed of recalled spike sequences may reflect the internal dynamics of the network rather than the motion speed. In awake rats, such recall was observed during a synchronized ('quiet wakeful') brain state having large-amplitude, low-frequency local field potential (LFP) but not in a desynchronized ('active') state having low-amplitude, high-frequency LFP. Such conditioning-enhanced, cue-evoked sequential spiking of a V1 ensemble may contribute to experience-based perceptual inference in a brain state–dependent manner.