文章主要作者、约旦大学神经病学助理教授Rawan Tarawneh医师说:VILIP-1似乎是阿尔茨海默氏病引发的脑细胞损伤的有力指标,VILIP-1可能对临床试验中病程的预测和新疗法的评价非常有用。”
最初确定VILIP-1被为脑细胞损伤指标的是Jack Ladenson博士、Oree M. Carroll Oree和Lillian B。Ladenson是华盛顿大学病理学和免疫学临床化学实验室的教授。科学家们认为VILIP-1在脑细胞中充当钙传感器。当细胞受损伤时,VILIP-1被释放到脑脊液中。
Tarawneh是David Holtzman医师和华盛顿大学的神经内科主任实验室Gretchen P. Jones教授前博士后研究助理former postdoctoral research associate。在早先的研究中,她和她的同事们发现在超过两至3年随访期间内,正常人高水平VILIP-1的话更有可能发展有认知障碍和阿尔茨海默氏病。
对于新的研究中,科学家们募集了参加华盛顿大学医学院阿尔茨海默氏病Charles F和Joanne Knight研究中心研究的轻微或轻度阿尔茨海默氏症患者。在一开始,研究人员测量病人脊髓液中VILIP-1的水平,并评估他们的心智能力。每年重复这种认知功能测试。
这项研究美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)、西门子医疗保健诊断中心、Charles阿尔茨海默氏症研究所和Joanne Knight阿尔茨海默氏症研究生提供资金资助。(生物谷:Bioon)
CSF VILIP-1 predicts rates of cognitive decline in early Alzheimer disease
R. Tarawneh, J.- M. Lee, J. H. Ladenson, J. C. Morris, D. M. Holtzman
Objective: Measures of neuronal damage/dysfunction are likely good surrogates for disease progression in Alzheimer disease (AD). CSF markers of neuronal injury may offer utility in predicting disease progression and guiding prognostic and outcome assessments in therapeutic trials. Visinin-like protein-1 (VILIP-1) has demonstrated potential utility as a marker of neuronal injury. We here investigate the utility of VILIP-1 and VILIP-1/Aβ42 in predicting rates of cognitive decline in early AD.
Methods: Individuals with a clinical diagnosis of very mild or mild AD (n = 60) and baseline CSF measures of VILIP-1, tau, p-tau181, and Aβ42 were followed longitudinally for an average of 2.6 years. Annual assessments included the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), CDR–sum of boxes (CDR-SB), and global composite scores. Mixed linear models assessed the ability of CSF biomarker measures to predict rates of cognitive decline over time.
Results: Baseline CSF VILIP-1 and VILIP-1/Aβ42 levels predicted rates of future decline in CDR-SB and global composite scores over the follow-up period. Individuals with CSF VILIP-1 ≥560 pg/mL (corresponding to the upper tercile) progressed much more rapidly in CDR-SB (1.61 boxes/year; p = 0.0077) and global scores (?0.53 points/year; p = 0.0002) than individuals with lower values (0.85 boxes/year and ?0.15 points/year, respectively) over the follow-up period. CSF tau, p-tau181, tau/Aβ42, and p-tau181/Aβ42 also predicted more rapid cognitive decline in CDR-SB and global scores over time.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that CSF VILIP-1 and VILIP-1/Aβ42 predict rates of global cognitive decline similarly to tau and tau/Aβ42, and may be useful CSF surrogates for neurodegeneration in early AD.