研究者Ann Poduri表示,HMG患者个体大脑惊人的不对称现象,长时间来被认为是由自发突变所引起的,严格意义上来说,是由一般大脑组织的自发变异所引起的。HMG病人每天都会有一段时间疾病发作,会严重干扰其认知能力的发育,对此,医生也只能孤注一掷,移除编译的脑组织从而来控制病人抽搐发作。很幸运的是,医生多次都能够成功实施手术来控制病人发作以及使得儿童患者变的类似常人一样。
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Somatic Activation of AKT3 Causes Hemispheric Developmental Brain Malformations
Annapurna Poduri, Gilad D. Evrony, Xuyu Cai, Princess Christina Elhosary, Rameen Beroukhim, Maria K. Lehtinen, L. Benjamin Hills, Erin L. Heinzen, Anthony Hill, R. Sean Hill, Brenda J. Barry, Blaise F.D. Bourgeois, James J. Riviello, A. James Barkovich, Peter M. Black, Keith L. Ligon, Christopher A. Walsh
Hemimegalencephaly (HMG) is a developmental brain disorder characterized by an enlarged, malformed cerebral hemisphere, typically causing epilepsy that requires surgical resection. We studied resected HMG tissue to test whether the condition might reflect somatic mutations affecting genes critical to brain development. We found that two out of eight HMG samples showed trisomy of chromosome 1q, which encompasses many genes, including AKT3, a gene known to regulate brain size. A third case showed a known activating mutation in AKT3 (c.49G→A, creating p.E17K) that was not present in the patient's blood cells. Remarkably, the E17K mutation in AKT3 is exactly paralogous to E17K mutations in AKT1 and AKT2 recently discovered in somatic overgrowth syndromes. We show that AKT3 is the most abundant AKT paralog in the brain during neurogenesis and that phosphorylated AKT is abundant in cortical progenitor cells. Our data suggest that somatic mutations limited to the brain could represent an important cause of complex neurogenetic disease