如今,Sujatha Kannan及其同事们展示,被称作树状分子的树样的分子可轻易地绕过这些屏障并有效地将药物运送至脑内。树状分子看来可改善兔宝宝中脑瘫症状。有趣的是,一但这些树状分子进入脑内,造成神经发炎的细胞就会吞掉它们自己的毒药(即含有药物的分子),并因此停止了炎症及其它有害的影响。
研究人员给那些患有脑瘫的兔宝宝带有药物的树状分子,并显示,与未经治疗的兔子相比,仅在治疗5天后,这些兔子的运动功能就得到了大幅度的改善。 结果暗示,这些树状分子可能会逆转被诊断患有神经炎症的新生儿的脑损伤。该小组下一步计划观察,在这一研究中所看到的运动功能的改善是否可持续到动物的成年期。
Dendrimer-Based Postnatal Therapy for Neuroinflammation and Cerebral Palsy in a Rabbit Model
Sujatha Kannan1,2,*,†, Hui Dai1,2, Raghavendra S. Navath1,3, Bindu Balakrishnan1,2,*, Amar Jyoti1,2,*, James Janisse4, Roberto Romero1,† and Rangaramanujam M. Kannan
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a chronic childhood disorder with no effective cure. Neuroinflammation, caused by activated microglia and astrocytes, plays a key role in the pathogenesis of CP and disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Targeting neuroinflammation can be a potent therapeutic strategy. However, delivering drugs across the blood-brain barrier to the target cells for treating diffuse brain injury is a major challenge. We show that systemically administered polyamidoamine dendrimers localize in activated microglia and astrocytes in the brain of newborn rabbits with CP, but not healthy controls. We further demonstrate that dendrimer-based N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) therapy for brain injury suppresses neuroinflammation and leads to a marked improvement in motor function in the CP kits. The well-known and safe clinical profile for NAC, when combined with dendrimer-based targeting, provides opportunities for clinical translation in the treatment of neuroinflammatory disorders in humans. The effectiveness of the dendrimer-NAC treatment, administered in the postnatal period for a prenatal insult, suggests a window of opportunity for treatment of CP in humans after birth.