这项研究发表在Behavioural Brain Research杂志,研究人员发现斑马鱼在不同环境情况下会改变自身行为。
生物和化学科学部Caroline Brennan医生领导了这项研究,她说:斑马鱼正在成为研究许多精神疾病的遗传机制的最有用的动物模型之一,斑马鱼繁殖力强,许多新的令人兴奋的科学技术让我们在实验室就能探索斑马鱼的基因构成。
Development and implementation of a three-choice serial reaction time task for zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Matthew O. Parker, Mollie E. Millington, Fraser J. Combe, Caroline H. Brennan
Zebrafish are an established and widely utilized developmental genetic model system, but limitations in developed behavioral assays have meant that their potential as a model in behavioral neuroscience has yet to be fully realized. Here, we describe the development of a novel operant behavioral assay to examine a variety of aspects of stimulus control in zebrafish using a 3 choice serial reaction time task (3 CSRTT). Fish were briefly exposed to three spatially distinct, but perceptually identical stimuli, presented in a random order after a fixed-time inter-trial interval (ITI). Entries to the correct response aperture either during the stimulus presentation, or within a brief limited hold period following presentation, were reinforced with illumination of the magazine light and delivery of a small food reward. Following training, premature responding was probed with a long-ITI session three times; once at baseline, once following a saline injection and once following an injection of a low dose of amphetamine (AMPH; 0.025 mg/kg). We predicted that if premature responding was related to impulsivity (as in rodents) it would be reduced following the AMPH injection. Results confirmed that zebrafish could learn to perform a complex operant task similar to tasks developed for rodents which are used to probe sustained attention and impulsivity, but the results from the AMPH trials were inconclusive. This study provides the foundations for development and further validation of this species as a model for some aspects of human attentional and impulse control disorders, such as substance abuse disorder.