据近期发表在《自然—神经科学》Nature Neuroscience上的一项研究显示,睡眠能帮助改善一系列手指运动的锻炼。这使得睡眠对于记忆的重要性再次得到强调,在睡眠期间对记忆力进行选择性引导改进也变成一种可能。
Ken Paller等人先让受试者学习用键盘演奏两种不同乐曲。然后让受试者伴随着他们所演奏的其中一首曲子小睡90分钟。通过用脑电图记录大脑电流活动,研究小组发现在慢波睡眠中,受试者大脑接收到了乐曲中的一些暗示,而这些暗示此前被认为与加强记忆有关。他们还发现,与受试者弹奏另一首未在睡眠中播放过的曲子的熟练程度相比,受试者在弹奏睡眠中所听到的乐曲时出错较少。
Cued memory reactivation during sleep influences skill learning
James W Antony, Eric W Gobel, Justin K O'Hare, Paul J Reber & Ken A Paller
Information acquired during waking can be reactivated during sleep, promoting memory stabilization. After people learned to produce two melodies in time with moving visual symbols, we enhanced relative performance by presenting one melody during an afternoon nap. Electrophysiological signs of memory processing during sleep corroborated the notion that appropriate auditory stimulation that does not disrupt sleep can nevertheless bias memory consolidation in relevant brain circuitry.