一项来自《精神分裂症研究》(Schizophrenia Research)杂志的研究发现:精神分裂症家族遗传史阳性的健康成人言语功能相关脑区发生改变,提示这种脑区的改变可能是精神分裂症的遗传易感性特征标记物,而非该疾病进展过程中产生的特殊标记物。
Lynn DeLisi 及其团队将77位健康成人纳入研究,分两组。精神分裂症高遗传风险组(FHR)46位(女32,男16),平均年龄25岁。对照组31(女13,男18),平均18岁。FHR组至少有一个一级亲属患有精神分裂症,一个二级或三级亲属有精神疾病发作、自杀或因精神疾病住院史。对照组精神疾病家族遗传史阴性。所有受试者检查头颅磁共振(MRI),并采用由11个词汇组成的神经心理测验来检测其言语功能。
Lynn DeLisi总结“未来研究需证实这种改变是否精神分裂症的内在表型,并运用复杂言语测试来检验FHR组相应言语功能是否受损。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
Alterations in brain structures underlying language function in young adults at high familial risk for schizophrenia
Alan N. Francis, Larry J. Seidman, Gul A. Jabbar, Raquelle Mesholam-Gately, Heidi W. Thermenos, Richard Juelich, Ashley C. Proal, Martha Shenton, Marek Kubicki, Ian Mathew, Matcheri Keshavan, Lynn E. DeLisi
Neuroanatomical and cognitive alterations typical of schizophrenia (SZ) patients are observed to a lesser extent in their adolescent and adult first-degree relatives, likely reflecting neurodevelopmental abnormalities associated with genetic risk for the illness. The anatomical pathways for language are hypothesized to be abnormal and to underlie the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Examining non-psychotic relatives at high familial risk (FHR) for schizophrenia may clarify if these deficits represent trait markers associated with genetic vulnerability, rather than specific markers resulting from the pathological process underlying schizophrenia.
T1 MRI scans from a 3T Siemens scanner of young adult FHR subjects (N=46) and controls with no family history of illness (i.e. at low genetic risk LRC; N=31) were processed using FreeSurfer 5.0. We explored volumetric and lateralization alterations in regions associated with language processing. An extensive neuropsychological battery of language measures was administered.
No significant differences were observed between groups on any language measures. Controlling intracranial volume, significantly smaller left pars triangularis (PT) (p<0.01) and right pars orbitalis (PO) (p<0.01) volumes and reversal of the L>R pars orbitalis (p<0.001) lateralization were observed in FHR subjects. In addition, the L pars triangularis and R pars orbitalis correlated with performance on tests of linguistic function in the FHR group.
Reduced volume and reversed structural asymmetry in language-related regions hypothesized to be altered in SZ are also found in first degree relatives at FHR, despite normal language performance. To clarify if these findings are endophenotypes for Sz, future studied would need to be performed of ill and well family members no longer within the age range of risk for illness to show these deficits segregate with schizophrenia within families. Moreover, measures of complex language need to be studied to determine if FHR individuals manifest impairments in some aspects of language function.