2012年9月8日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自MIT的认知科学家发明出了一种新型方法,不仅仅可以改变小鼠的梦境,而且阐述了检测小鼠所获得的梦境信息的方法,这就为未来我们控制小鼠做梦提供了一些新的思路。相关研究成果刊登在了近日的国际杂志Nature Neuroscience上。文章中,研究者描述了其可以使用音频声音来影响小鼠做梦。
于是研究者推测,或许我们有一天会出现一门新的学科:比如梦境工程学(dream engineering),这样科学家们将会学习所有的方法来控制人类的梦境,到时候人们也可以运用这种技术来定制自己所想要得到的梦境,抑或者是消除噩梦。(生物谷Bioon.com)
编译自:Researchers devise a way to manipulate a rat's dreams
Biasing the content of hippocampal replay during sleep
Daniel Bendor1 & Matthew A Wilson1
The hippocampus is essential for encoding self-experienced events into memory. During sleep, neural activity in the hippocampus related to a recent experience has been observed to spontaneously reoccur, and this 'replay' has been postulated to be important for memory consolidation. Task-related cues can enhance memory consolidation when presented during a post-training sleep session, and, if memories are consolidated by hippocampal replay, a specific enhancement for this replay should be observed. To test this, we trained rats on an auditory-spatial association task while recording from neuronal ensembles in the hippocampus. We found that, during sleep, a task-related auditory cue biased reactivation events toward replaying the spatial memory associated with that cue. These results indicate that sleep replay can be manipulated by external stimulation and provide further evidence for the role of hippocampal replay in memory consolidation.