斯坦福大学的Dr Gray K Steinberg和他的团队开展的这项试验发现,烟雾病患者明显受益于手术。然而他们也发现,术后风险在男性和女性中都普遍存在。
为了明确妇女和女孩在烟雾病手术后有更高的风险,专家们研究了1991-2010年期间,他们做的430例血管重建术的结果。所有的手术都是由Steinberg博士开展完成。研究过程中发现,他们所分析的患者,70%以上是女性,平均年龄31岁,1/3为儿童。鉴于多数患者为双侧脑动脉受阻,Dr steinberg共做了717例次血管重建手术。这种双侧受累的情况,女性比男性多见。
Sex Differences in Clinical Presentation and Treatment Outcomes in Moyamoya Disease
Khan, Nadia MD; Achrol, Achal S. MD; Guzman, Raphael MD; Burns, Terry C. MD, PhD; Dodd, Robert MD, PhD; Bell-Stephens, Teresa RN; Steinberg, Gary K. MD, PhD
BACKGROUND: Moyamoya (MM) disease is an idiopathic steno-occlusive angiopathy occurring more frequently in females.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate sex differences in preoperative symptoms and treatment outcomes after revascularization surgery.
METHODS: We analyzed 430 MM disease patients undergoing 717 revascularization procedures spanning 19 years (1991-2010) and compared gender differences in preoperative symptoms and long-term outcomes after surgical revascularization.
RESULTS: A total of 307 female and 123 male patients (ratio, 2.5:1) with a mean age of 31.0 ± 16.7 years and adults-to-children ratio of 2.5:1 underwent 717 revascularization procedures. Female patients were more likely to experience preoperative transient ischemic attacks (odds ratio: 2.1, P = .001) and less likely to receive a diagnosis of unilateral MM disease (odds ratio: 0.6, P = .04). No association was observed between sex and risk of preoperative ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. There was no difference in neurological outcome because both male and female patients experienced significant improvement in the modified Rankin Scale score after surgery (P < .0001). On Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, 5-year cumulative risk of adverse postoperative events despite successful revascularization was 11.4% in female vs 5.3% in male patients (P = .05). In multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis, female sex trended toward an association with adverse postoperative events (hazard ratio: 1.9, P = .14).
CONCLUSION: Female patients are more susceptible to the development of preoperative transient ischemic attack and may be at higher risk of adverse postoperative events despite successful revascularization. There is, however, no sex difference in neurological outcome because patients of both sexes experience significant improvement in neurological status with low risk of the development of future ischemic events after surgical revascularization.
ABBREVIATIONS: ΔmRS score, change in modified Rankin Scale score