2012年9月17日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --一种称为“术后认知能力下降”的综合征(post-operative cognitive decline)在成年人中常表现为认知能力的缺失,尤其是其经过手术后所表现出的认知力下降的症状。实际上,一些具有阿尔兹海默症发病症状的病人经过手术后也会出现认知能力的下降的症状。一年以前,来自宾夕法尼亚大学的研究者报道了通过脑脊髓液反应的阿尔兹海默氏症患者的病理学表现或许在其术后和麻醉后表现的更加严重。然而到底是麻醉药物还是手术操作本身所引发的病理严重目前并不清楚,这项研究中,研究者揭示了手术,而不是麻醉对患者痴呆脆弱的大脑具有较为深远的影响。相关研究刊登在了国际杂志Annals of Surgery上。
编译自:Surgery Has a More Profound Effect Than Anesthesia On Brain Pathology and Cognition in Alzheimer's Animal Model
Modulation of Murine Alzheimer Pathogenesis and Behavior by Surgery
Tang, Junxia X. PhD; Mardini, Feras BS; Janik, Luke S. MD; Garrity, Sean T. BS; Li, Rosie Q. BS; Bachlani, Gulnaz BS; Eckenhoff, Roderic G. MD; Eckenhoff, Maryellen F. PhD
Objective: Previous research suggests that a link between anesthetic exposure and Alzheimer disease exists. Because anesthetics are rarely given alone, we ask whether addition of surgery further modulates Alzheimer disease. Background: Cognitive dysfunction occurs after surgery in humans. Anesthesia alone produces cognitive decline in both older wild-type (WT) mice and rats, and the addition of surgery produces transient decline in young, adult WT mice. Because neuroinflammation has been implicated and occurs early in Alzheimer disease, we hypothesized that the neuroinflammatory stress associated with surgery would accelerate the progression of Alzheimer disease. Methods: Cecal ligation and excision were performed on presymptomatic 5- to 11-month-old triple-transgenic Alzheimer disease (3xTgAD) and C57BL/6 WT mice under desflurane anesthesia. Surgery animals were compared with aged-matched 3xTgAD and WT mice exposed to air or desflurane alone. Cognitive function was assessed via Morris water maze at 2 and 13 weeks postoperatively. Amyloid and tau pathology and inflammation and synaptic markers were quantified with immunohistochemistry, Luminex assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, or Western blot assays. Results: A significant cognitive impairment in 3xTgAD mice that underwent surgery compared with air or desflurane controls persisted to at least 14 weeks after surgery. Microglial activation, amyloidopathy, and tauopathy were enhanced by surgery as compared with desflurane alone. No differences between surgery, anesthetic, or air controls were detected in WT mice Conclusions: Surgery causes a durable increment in Alzheimer pathogenesis, primarily through a transient activation of neuroinflammation. (C) 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.