2012年10月12日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ 10月10日,Journal of Neuroscience发表了美国University of California-Irvine研究人员的成果,他们利用同源重组建立了一个癫痫的果蝇模型并探究了温度依赖性癫痫(temperature-dependent seizures)的发病机理。
癫痫(epilepsy)俗称"羊癫疯、羊角风"是大脑神经元突发性异常放电,导致短暂的大脑功能障碍的一种慢性疾病。而癫痫发作(epileptic seizure)是指脑神经元异常和过度超同步化放电所造成的临床现象。其特征是突然和一过性症状,由于异常放电的神经元在大脑中的部位不同,而有多种多样的表现。
文章的通讯作者Robert Reenan说,这项研究首次将人致病基因突变引入果蝇的基因,为癫痫的研究建立了平台,并且证明同源重组是一种有效的方法,可以用于其他基因相关疾病。
研究者利用同源重组使得果蝇带上可致癫痫的突变基因,即将突变的para基因插入果蝇DNA,它与人的发热性癫痫(febrile seizure)的突变基因SCN1A同源。同源重组与转基因相比更为精确和复杂,由于这项新的技术, Reenan在去年赢得了NIH一份特殊的研究资金。
所有基因发生突变的果蝇都有了温度依赖性癫痫的症状,它们的大脑中也发生了病变,原本可以抑制大脑过度活跃、维持电化学平衡的gama-氨基丁酸神经元(GABAergic neuron)在基因发生突变后调节功能受到破坏。
研究者将装有果蝇的试管放入104-degree F的水中,20秒后,突变的果蝇腿开始抽搐,随后扇动两翼、收腹,无法站立,半小时后才可移动。而para未发生突变的果蝇并无此温度依赖的癫痫症状。
有这样一个果蝇癫痫模型,Reenan对找到治疗方法持乐观态度。下一步的研究工作将是采用正向遗传学(forward genetics)寻找可对抗热性癫痫的突变。(生物谷Bioon.com)
编译自Engineered flies spill secret of seizures
A Knock-In Model of Human Epilepsy in Drosophila Reveals a Novel Cellular Mechanism Associated with Heat-Induced Seizure
Lei Sun1, Jeff Gilligan2, Cynthia Staber2, Ryan J. Schutte1, Vivian Nguyen1, Diane K. O'Dowd1,*, and Robert Reenan
Over 40 missense mutations in the human SCN1A sodium channel gene are linked to an epilepsy syndrome termed genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+). Inheritance of GEFS+ is dominant, but the underlying cellular mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here we report that knock-in of a GEFS+ SCN1A mutation (K1270T) into the Drosophila sodium channel gene, para, causes a semidominant temperature-induced seizure phenotype. Electrophysiological studies of GABAergic interneurons in the brains of adult GEFS+ flies reveal a novel cellular mechanism underlying heat-induced seizures: the deactivation threshold for persistent sodium currents reversibly shifts to a more negative voltage when the temperature is elevated. This leads to sustained depolarizations in GABAergic neurons and reduced inhibitory activity in the central nervous system. Furthermore, our data indicate a natural temperature-dependent shift in sodium current deactivation (exacerbated by mutation) may contribute to febrile seizures in GEFS+ and perhaps normal individuals.