2012年10月17日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --在神经系统许多病变中,通常会发生这样一种事件-小神经胶质细胞(Microglia)会被激活,从神经系统监督者的角色转变为“好战分子”。 小神经胶质细胞是机体神经系统的免疫细胞,其可以摄取并且破坏致病及损伤的神经细胞。截止目前,关于其在机体被激活的过程或分子机制,研究者并不清楚。如今,来自麦吉尔大学等处的研究者通过研究揭示了这种分子机制,小神经胶质细胞可以被Runx1基因调节来控制其作为监督者和处于被激活状态(好战分子)之间的平衡。相关研究成果刊登于国际杂志Journal of Neuroscience上。
编译自:Attack! Silent Watchmen Charge to Defend the Nervous System
Regulation of Postnatal Forebrain Amoeboid Microglial Cell Proliferation and Development by the Transcription Factor Runx1
Morena Zusso1,3, Laurent Methot1, Rita Lo1, Andrew D. Greenhalgh2, Samuel David2, and Stefano Stifani1
Microglia are the immune cells of the nervous system, where they act as resident macrophages during inflammatory events underlying many neuropathological conditions. Microglia derive from primitive myeloid precursors that colonize the nervous system during embryonic development. In the postnatal brain, microglia are initially mitotic, rounded in shape (amoeboid), and phagocytically active. As brain development proceeds, they gradually undergo a transition to a surveillant nonphagocytic state characterized by a highly branched (ramified) morphology. This ramification process is almost recapitulated in reverse during the process of microglia activation in the adult brain, when surveillant microglia undergo a ramified-to-amoeboid morphological transformation and become phagocytic in response to injury or disease. Little is known about the mechanisms controlling amoeboid microglial cell proliferation, activation, and ramification during brain development, despite the critical role of these processes in the establishment of the adult microglia pool and their relevance to microglia activation in the adult brain. Here we show that the mouse transcription factor Runx1, a key regulator of myeloid cell proliferation and differentiation, is expressed in forebrain amoeboid microglia during the first two postnatal weeks. Runx1 expression is then downregulated in ramified microglia. Runx1 inhibits mouse amoeboid microglia proliferation and promotes progression to the ramified state. We show further that Runx1 expression is upregulated in microglia following nerve injury in the adult mouse nervous system. These findings provide insight into the regulation of postnatal microglia activation and maturation to the ramified state and have implications for microglia biology in the developing and injured brain..