2012年10月,饶毅实验室在Journal of Neuroscience (《神经科学杂志》)杂志发表题为“性拒绝的分子遗传学分析:鱆胺及其受体OAMB参与果蝇求偶条件化”文章。文中揭示了果蝇脑内鱆胺及其受体OAMB在求偶学习中的作用。
美国Brandeis大学的Siegel和Hall于1979年发现,雌果蝇与雄果蝇交配后拒绝第三者插足。如果一只雄蝇追求已经交配过的雌蝇,而被反复、甚至带有“暴力”地拒绝后,“失恋”的雄蝇对追求雌蝇兴趣下降,不仅不愿追交配过的雌蝇、而且不愿追未交配的“处女蝇”。,这一现象称为“求偶条件化”(courtship conditioning),也称“求偶学习”(courtship learning)。
doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0517-12.2012
Molecular Genetic Analysis of Sexual Rejection: Roles of Octopamine and Its Receptor OAMB in Drosophila Courtship Conditioning
Chuan Zhou , Hai Huang, Susy M. Kim, Hsuanwen Lin, Xianglan Meng, Kyung-An Han, Ann-Shyn Chiang, Jing W. Wang, Renjie Jiao, and Yi Rao
After Drosophila males are rejected by mated females, their subsequent courtship is inhibited even when encountering virgin females. Molecular mechanisms underlying courtship conditioning in the CNS are unclear. In this study, we find that tyramine β hydroxylase (TβH) mutant males unable to synthesize octopamine (OA) showed impaired courtship conditioning, which could be rescued by transgenic TβH expression in the CNS. Inactivation of octopaminergic neurons mimicked the TβH mutant phenotype. Transient activation of octopaminergic neurons in males not only decreased their courtship of virgin females, but also produced courtship conditioning. Single cell analysis revealed projection of octopaminergic neurons to the mushroom bodies. Deletion of the OAMB gene encoding an OA receptor expressed in the mushroom bodies disrupted courtship conditioning. Inactivation of neurons expressing OAMB also eliminated courtship conditioning. OAMB neurons responded robustly to male-specific pheromone cis-vaccenyl acetate in a dose-dependent manner. Our results indicate that OA plays an important role in courtship conditioning through its OAMB receptor expressed in a specific neuronal subset of the mushroom bodies.