来自MIT的神经科学家开发出了一种新型方法来检测大脑细胞如何互相协调,来控制特异性的行为,比如机体运动或者嗅到气味儿等。(Credit: Qian Chen)
2012年10月18日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自MIT的神经科学家开发出了一种新型方法来检测大脑细胞如何互相协调,来控制特异性的行为,比如机体运动或者嗅到气味儿等。研究者的新型成像技术,基于对神经元钙离子的检测,可以帮助他们来绘制大脑的回路图,这将为理解自闭症、强迫观念与行为换乱或者精神疾病的治疗带来帮助,相关研究刊登于10月18日的国际杂志Neuron上。
编译自:Calcium Reveals Connections Between Neurons
Imaging Neural Activity Using Thy1-GCaMP Transgenic Mice
Qian Chen, Joseph Cichon, Wenting Wang, Li Qiu, Seok-Jin R. Lee, Nolan R. Campbell, Nicholas DeStefino, Michael J. Goard, Zhanyan Fu, Ryohei Yasuda, Loren L. Looger, Benjamin R. Arenkiel, Wen-Biao Gan, Guoping Feng
The ability to chronically monitor neuronal activity in the living brain is essential for understanding the organization and function of the nervous system. The genetically encoded green fluorescent protein-based calcium sensor GCaMP provides a powerful tool for detecting calcium transients in neuronal somata, processes, and synapses that are triggered by neuronal activities. Here we report the generation and characterization of transgenic mice that express improved GCaMPs in various neuronal subpopulations under the control of the Thy1 promoter. In vitro and in vivo studies show that calcium transients induced by spontaneous and stimulus-evoked neuronal activities can be readily detected at the level of individual cells and synapses in acute brain slices, as well as chronically in awake, behaving animals. These GCaMP transgenic mice allow investigation of activity patterns in defined neuronal populations in the living brain and will greatly facilitate dissecting complex structural and functional relationships of neural networks.