(Credit: Image courtesy of Duke University Medical Center)
2012年10月27日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --在对触觉研究的同时,来自杜克大学医学中心的研究者指出,特殊的神经元会调节个体的感觉,感觉神经元以刺突为主要特定,基于其容量,其常常决定细胞对压力的敏感性。研究结果是通过对果蝇幼虫研究发现的,刊登于10月25日的国际杂志Current Biology上。该研究首次揭示了感觉神经元的功能,并且为理解人类的慢性疼痛综合征带来了帮助。
研究者W. Daniel Tracey表示,在单一分子水平上,感觉是我们理解的大多数的感知行为,当存在许多触摸感知神经元的时候,我们就不知道到底是哪一种神经元在对压力起反应。研究者对果蝇的幼虫进行研究阐明了触觉的感知,与人类和大多数动物一样,果蝇幼虫也可以通过接触来学习,感知环境、危险以及更多活动等。
编译自:Sensory Neurons Identified as Critical to Sense of Touch
Dendritic Filopodia, Ripped Pocket, NOMPC, and NMDARs Contribute to the Sense of Touch in Drosophila Larvae
Asako Tsubouchi, Jason C. Caldwell, W. Daniel Tracey
Background Among the Aristotelian senses, the subcellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the sense of touch are the most poorly understood. Results We demonstrate that specialized sensory neurons, the class II and class III multidendritic (md) neurons, are gentle touch sensors of Drosophila larvae. Genetic silencing of these cells significantly impairs gentle touch responses, optogenetic activation of these cells triggers behavioral touch-like responses, and optical recordings from these neurons show that they respond to force. The class III neurons possess highly dynamic dendritic protrusions rich in F-actin. Genetic manipulations that alter actin dynamics indicate that the actin-rich protrusions (termed sensory filopodia) on the class III neurons are required for behavioral sensitivity to gentle touch. Through a genome-wide RNAi screen of ion channels, we identified Ripped Pocket (rpk), No Mechanoreceptor Potential C (nompC), and NMDA Receptors 1 and 2 (Nmdars) as playing critical roles in both behavioral responses to touch and in the formation of the actin-rich sensory filopodia. Consistent with this requirement, reporters for rpk and nompC show expression in the class III neurons. A genetic null allele of rpk confirms its critical role in touch responses. Conclusions Output from class II and class III md neurons of the Drosophila larvae is necessary and sufficient for eliciting behavioral touch responses. These cells show physiological responses to force. Ion channels in several force-sensing gene families are required for behavioral sensitivity to touch and for the formation of the actin-rich sensory filopodia.