2012年10月2日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --对很多人来说,保持健康的体重可能是困难的,现在有研究证实我们的大脑和机体能一起工作调控体重,可以实现一个能源平衡现象。这种平衡可能是由于大脑下丘脑区域神经生物学功能交互作用的结果,而这个交互作用一旦出现差错时,就会出现肥胖或厌食现象。
GABAergic RIP-Cre Neurons in the Arcuate Nucleus Selectively Regulate Energy Expenditure
Dong Kong, Qingchun Tong, Chianping Ye, Shuichi Koda, Patrick M. Fuller, Michael J. Krashes, Linh Vong, Russell S. Ray, David P. Olson, Bradford B. Lowell
Neural regulation of energy expenditure is incompletely understood. By genetically disrupting GABAergic transmission in a cell-specific fashion, and by combining this with selective pharmacogenetic activation and optogenetic mapping techniques, we have uncovered an arcuate-based circuit that selectively drives energy expenditure. Specifically, mice lacking synaptic GABA release from RIP-Cre neurons have reduced energy expenditure, become obese and are extremely sensitive to high-fat diet-induced obesity, the latter due to defective diet-induced thermogenesis. Leptins ability to stimulate thermogenesis, but not to reduce feeding, is markedly attenuated. Acute, selective activation of arcuate GABAergic RIP-Cre neurons, which monosynaptically innervate PVH neurons projecting to the NTS, rapidly stimulates brown fat and increases energy expenditure but does not affect feeding. Importantly, this response is dependent upon GABA release from RIP-Cre neurons. Thus, GABAergic RIP-Cre neurons in the arcuate selectively drive energy expenditure, contribute to leptins stimulatory effect on thermogenesis, and protect against diet-induced obesity.