2012年10月30日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,Journal of Cell Biology杂志上刊登的一项研究揭示了转录因子STAT3是保留在神经细胞轴突中帮助防止神经退行性疾病。这一发现可能为未来开发治疗药物以减缓神经损伤与神经退行性疾病铺平了道路。
卢伽雷氏病(Lou Gehrig's Disease)及其他神经退行性疾病中,神经细胞经常出现死亡,轴突日益恶化。而最新研究证实轴突变性可能是患者一个治疗转折点。研究人员测试了几种能够保存轴突的蛋白质。这些分子之一CNTF能在啮齿类动物抢救轴突,延长他们的生命。但它在临床试验中,引起严重的副作用。
基于以上考虑,德国维尔茨堡大学Michael Sendtner等研究人员猜测CNTF的下游可能是一个理想作用环节来治疗运动神经元疾病。
Local axonal function of STAT3 rescues axon degeneration in the pmn model of motoneuron disease.
Bhuvaneish Thangaraj Selvaraj, Nicolas Frank, Florian L.P. Bender, Esther Asan, and Michael Sendtner.
Axonal maintenance, plasticity, and regeneration are influenced by signals from neighboring cells, in particular Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system. Schwann cells produce neurotrophic factors, but the mechanisms by which ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) and other neurotrophic molecules modify the axonal cytoskeleton are not well understood. In this paper, we show that activated signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3), an intracellular mediator of the effects of CNTF and other neurotrophic cytokines, acts locally in axons of motoneurons to modify the tubulin cytoskeleton. Specifically, we show that activated STAT3 interacted with stathmin and inhibited its microtubule-destabilizing activity. Thus, ectopic CNTF-mediated activation of STAT3 restored axon elongation and maintenance in motoneurons from progressive motor neuronopathy mutant mice, a mouse model of motoneuron disease. This mechanism could also be relevant for other neurodegenerative diseases and provide a target for new therapies for axonal degeneration.