精神分裂症是困扰人类的重大精神疾病之一,且具有非常高的遗传力。近年来,随着全基因组关联性分析(Genome-wide association study, GWAS)的逐步开展,人们已经报道了一系列的精神分裂症易感基因。然而,这些研究大多集中在欧洲人群,所报道的易感基因在亚洲人群中是否也与精神分裂症显著相关并不清楚。
昆明动物研究所宿兵研究员的实验室(博士研究生李明)通过与新加坡基因组研究所和日本藤田保健衛生大学合作,并结合本实验室已采集的来自云南玉溪和昆明的样本,对6565份亚洲病例-对照样本进行了分析,目的基因为前期欧洲人群中发现的与精神分裂症显著相关的基因(VRK2 rs2312147等)。分析结果发现,rs2312147在亚洲人群中也与精神分裂症强烈相关。随后,他们又增加了来自美国国立精神卫生研究院等的欧洲人群的病例-对照样本,并发现相关性增强。这些证据很好地支持了前期GWAS的发现。同时,他们发现VRK2在精神分裂症患者血液中mRNA表达相对正常人明显升高,进一步支持了相关性分析的结果。利用核磁共振影像学分析,在286个汉族健康个体中,他们分析了rs2312147与脑结构(全脑容量等)的关系,并发现rs2312147与全脑容量以及全脑白质体积显著相关,暗示VRK2可能在大脑发育中起作用。该研究证实了VRK2在中国人群中也是精神分裂症易感基因,结果发表于精神分裂症国际核心期刊《Schizophrenia Research》.(生物谷Bioon.com)
doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2012.10.008
Meta-analysis and brain imaging data support the involvement of VRK2 (rs2312147) in schizophrenia susceptibility
Li M, Wang Y, Zheng XB, Ikeda M, Iwata N, Luo XJ, Chong SA, Lee J, Rietschel M, Zhang F, Müller-Myhsok B, Cichon S, Weinberger DR, Mattheisen M, Schulze TG, Martin NG, Mitchell PB, Schofield PR, Liu JJ, Su B; MooDS Consortium.
Recent genome-wide association studies have reported a set of schizophrenia susceptibility genes, but many of them await further replications in additional samples. Here we analyzed 5 genome-wide supported variants in a Han Chinese sample, and the variant rs2312147 at VRK2 showed significant association, which was confirmed in the meta-analysis combining multiple Asian and European samples (P=3.17×10(-4), N=7498). Rs2312147 is also associated with brain structure in healthy subjects, including the total brain volume and the white matter volume. Gene expression analyses indicated an up-regulation of VRK2 in schizophrenia patients. Our data provide further evidence for the contribution of VRK2 to schizophrenia.