2012年11月1日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自明尼苏达州大学磁共振研究中心(CMRR)的研究人员发现了一组可以测定时间的神经元,神经元测定时间的过程很难在实验室中进行,相关研究成果刊登于国际杂志PLoS Biology上。
研究者Geoffrey Ghose博士说,我们的研究发现了LIP的活动可以在计时过程中以持续的比率降低,更重要的是,随着动物神经元的多少,动物的计时情况都会改变。这就好比是这些神经元的活动相当于一个沙漏一样进行工作。
编译自:How Does the Brain Measure Time?
Temporal Production Signals in Parietal Cortex
Blaine A. Schneider, Geoffrey M. Ghose*
We often perform movements and actions on the basis of internal motivations and without any explicit instructions or cues. One common example of such behaviors is our ability to initiate movements solely on the basis of an internally generated sense of the passage of time. In order to isolate the neuronal signals responsible for such timed behaviors, we devised a task that requires nonhuman primates to move their eyes consistently at regular time intervals in the absence of any external stimulus events and without an immediate expectation of reward. Despite the lack of sensory information, we found that animals were remarkably precise and consistent in timed behaviors, with standard deviations on the order of 100 ms. To examine the potential neural basis of this precision, we recorded from single neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), which has been implicated in the planning and execution of eye movements. In contrast to previous studies that observed a build-up of activity associated with the passage of time, we found that LIP activity decreased at a constant rate between timed movements. Moreover, the magnitude of activity was predictive of the timing of the impending movement. Interestingly, this relationship depended on eye movement direction: activity was negatively correlated with timing when the upcoming saccade was toward the neuron's response field and positively correlated when the upcoming saccade was directed away from the response field. This suggests that LIP activity encodes timed movements in a push-pull manner by signaling for both saccade initiation towards one target and prolonged fixation for the other target. Thus timed movements in this task appear to reflect the competition between local populations of task relevant neurons rather than a global timing signal.