2012年11月5日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,美国科学家们设计出一种化合物能够抑制小鼠亨廷顿氏病症状。该化合物是一种合成的抗氧化剂,能作用于细胞内的细胞器线粒体。在许多神经退行性疾病包括老年痴呆症、帕金森氏症和亨廷顿氏症中都存在线粒体的氧化损伤。
科学家们认为XJB-5-131是一种很有前途的对抗神经退化性疾病的治疗性化合物。相关研究论文发表在11月1日的Cell Reports杂志上。
这推动科学家开发出能专门针对线粒体的人工合成抗氧化剂。几年前,美国匹兹堡大学的化学家Peter Wipf合成 XJB-5-131。他发现这种化合物极大地提高了细胞的生存。但其对神经退行性疾病的效果是未知的。
在这项研究中,Cynthia McMurray实验室开始探索研究导致亨廷顿氏病的基因突变。此外,Zhiyin Xun研究员还学会了如何从老鼠大脑中分离神经末梢和线粒体,使科学家能利用细胞器来研究该疾病。
Targeting of XJB-5-131 to Mitochondria Suppresses Oxidative DNA Damage and Motor Decline in a Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease.
Zhiyin Xun, Sulay Rivera-Sánchez, Sylvette Ayala-Pe?a, James Lim, Helen Budworth, Erin M. Skoda, Paul D. Robbins, Laura J. Niedernhofer, Peter Wipf, Cynthia T. McMurray.
Oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction are implicated in aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases, including Huntingtons disease (HD). Many naturally occurring antioxidants have been tested for their ability to correct for deleterious effects of reactive oxygen species, but often they lack specificity, are tissue variable, and have marginal efficacy in human clinical trials. To increase specificity and efficacy, we have designed a synthetic antioxidant, XJB-5-131, to target mitochondria. We demonstrate in a mouse model of HD that XJB-5-131 has remarkably beneficial effects. XJB-5-131 reduces oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA, maintains mitochondrial DNA copy number, suppresses motor decline and weight loss, enhances neuronal survival, and improves mitochondrial function. The findings poise XJB-5-131 as a promising therapeutic compound.