2012年11月23日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,一项来自MIT和波士顿大学研究者的研究揭示了,神经网络帮助机体形成想法以及机体想法可变性的分子机制,研究者鉴别出了一系列的神经元,其可以通过互相摆动来编码特异性的大脑行为。这项研究揭示了有意识地思考的本质或许是有节律发生的,相关研究成果刊登于11月21的国际杂志Neuron上。
编译自:Rhythmic Brain Waves: Fluctuations in Electrical Activity May Allow Brain to Form Thoughts and Memories
Synchronous Oscillatory Neural Ensembles for Rules in the Prefrontal Cortex
Timothy J. Buschman, Eric L. Denovellis, Cinira Diogo, Daniel Bullock, Earl K. Miller
Intelligent behavior requires acquiring and following rules. Rules define how our behavior should fit different situations. To understand its neural mechanisms, we simultaneously recorded from multiple electrodes in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) while monkeys switched between two rules (respond to color versus orientation). We found evidence that oscillatory synchronization of local field potentials (LFPs) formed neural ensembles representing the rules: there were rule-specific increases in synchrony at beta (1940 Hz) frequencies between electrodes. In addition, individual PFC neurons synchronized to the LFP ensemble corresponding to the current rule (color versus orientation). Furthermore, the ensemble encoding the behaviorally dominant orientation rule showed increased alpha (616 Hz) synchrony when preparing to apply the alternative (weaker) color rule. This suggests that beta-frequency synchrony selects the relevant rule ensemble, while alpha-frequency synchrony deselects a stronger, but currently irrelevant, ensemble. Synchrony may act to dynamically shape task-relevant neural ensembles out of larger, overlapping circuits.