2012年11月25日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --当涉及到阿尔茨海默氏症,科学家们通常是将大脑作为他们的第一关注焦点。现在,特拉维夫大学研究人员证实,疾病早期阶段,患者大脑的新陈代谢发生了变化。
该研究发表在Neurobiology of Aging杂志上,研究确定了生物标志物可确保在早期阶段更好的检测和分析病情,而这只需一个简单的血液测试。
Hippocampus neuronal metabolic gene expression outperforms whole tissue data in accurately predicting Alzheimer's disease progression.
Shiri Stempler, Yedael Y. Waldman, Lior Wolf, Eytan Ruppin.
Numerous metabolic alterations are associated with the impairment of brain cells in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here we use gene expression microarrays of both whole hippocampus tissue and hippocampal neurons of AD patients to investigate the ability of metabolic gene expression to predict AD progression and its cognitive decline. We find that the prediction accuracy of different AD stages is markedly higher when using neuronal expression data (0.9) than when using whole tissue expression (0.76). Furthermore, the metabolic genes' expression is shown to be as effective in predicting AD severity as the entire gene list. Remarkably, a regression model from hippocampal metabolic gene expression leads to a marked correlation of 0.57 with the Mini-Mental State Examination cognitive score. Notably, the expression of top predictive neuronal genes in AD is significantly higher than that of other metabolic genes in the brains of healthy subjects. All together, the analyses point to a subset of metabolic genes that is strongly associated with normal brain functioning and whose disruption plays a major role in AD.