近期的文章显示使用意向指令、脑激活模式发现10%的无反应性清醒综合征(UWS,之前称为植物状态)患者存在意识。但是也有可能,无法依从指令的患者(如由于记忆、注意能力受限)能够感知疼痛和愉悦,并留有情绪能力。德国海德堡大学医学心理学与行为性神经生物研究所的Boris Kotchoubey博士等人进行了一项研究,在一个特定的脑结构网络(称为脑的痛感矩阵,即PM)评估无反应性清醒综合征患者残存的情感意识能力,研究结果在线发表在2012年12月19日的Neurology杂志上。研究结果显示:无反应性清醒综合征患者中有很多能够对其他人发出的疼痛信号做出反应。猜测“情感意识”能够在脑部损伤非常严重的患者(已经没有认知能力)保留。
Patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome respond to the pain cries of other people
Yu T, Lang S, Vogel D, Markl A, Müller F, Kotchoubey B.
OBJECTIVE:Recent publications show that using imagery instructions, brain activation patterns indicating consciousness can be found in approximately 10% of patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS; previously called vegetative state). It is possible, however, that patients who cannot follow instructions (because of limited memory/attention capacities, for example) are nevertheless conscious and retain emotional abilities to feel pain and pleasure. The aim of this study was to assess residual affective consciousness in a specific network of brain structures, the so-called pain matrix (PM) of the brain. METHODS:We examined 44 carefully diagnosed UWS patients at 2 imaging centers. fMRI was used to investigate the brain hemodynamic responses to (a) imagery instructions, and (b) pain cries as opposed to neutral human vocalizations. RESULTS:In line with the data of other groups, consistent responses to imagery instructions were obtained in 5 patients. In contrast, the PM was activated by pain cries in 24 patients. The PM consists of a sensory subsystem, which underlies pain sensation, and an affective subsystem, which underlies the characteristic aversive emotional tone of pain. The former was activated in 34% of patients, the latter in 30% of patients. CONCLUSION:Although there is debate about whether patients with UWS can perceive their own pain, our data indicate that many of them respond to the signals of pain in others. One can speculate that "affective consciousness" can remain even in patients with very severe brain damage who have no capacity for cognition.