来自中山大学中山医学院的研究人员近日在国际权威肿瘤学杂志《癌症研究》(Cancer research)上发表了题为“Loss of miR-204 expression enhances glioma migration and stem cell like phenotype”的研究论文,证实miR-204表达丧失与神经胶质瘤的迁移和干细胞样表型密切相关。
当前对于胶质瘤发生的病因尚不明确。近年来一些研究发现部分胶质瘤表面同时表达神经元和神经胶质细胞的标志物,表明其分化状态紊乱,可能起源于一种具有多项分化潜能的细胞。相关研究也证实胶质瘤中确实存在这种细胞。由于它们具有与神经干细胞(neural stem cells, NSCs)相似的特征,故称之为胶质瘤干细胞(glioma stem cells, GSCs)。随着肿瘤干细胞(tumor stem cells, TSCs)假说的提出和盛行,GSCs被视为是驱动这一疾病的重要原因,然而目前对于这类细胞分子机制仍知之甚少。
doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-12-2895
Loss of miR-204 expression enhances glioma migration and stem cell like phenotype
Zhe Ying1, Yun Li2, Jueheng Wu2, Xun Zhu2, Yi Yang3, Han Tian2, Wei Li2, Bo Hu4, Shi-Yuan Cheng4, and Mengfeng Li5,*
Phenotypic similarities have long been recognized between subpopulations of glioma cells and neural stem cells. Many of these similar properties, including the robust abilities to self-renew, migrate and invade, are hallmarks of glioma cells that render them extremely aggressive. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this character, particularly in glioma stem-like cells that drive this disease, remain poorly understood. Here we report the results of a differential miRNA expression screen that compared glioma cells and neural stem cells, where we found that miR-204 was markedly down-regulated in both types of cells. Mechanistic investigations revealed that miR-204 simultaneously suppressed self-renewal, stem cell associated phenotype and migration of glioma cells via targeting the stemness-governing transcriptional factor SOX4 and the migration-promoting receptor EphB2. Restoring miR-204 expression in glioma cells suppressed tumorigenesis and invasiveness in vivo and increased overall host survival. Further evaluation revealed that the miR-204 promoter was hypermethylated and that attenuating promoter methylation was sufficient to upregulate miR-204 in glioma cells. Together, our findings reveal miR-204 as a pivotal regulator of the development of stem cell-like phenotypes and cell motility in malignant glioma cells.