近日《Journal of Cell Science》发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所鲍岚研究组的研究工作:IPP5作为一个神经元内在因子抑制初级感觉神经元突起生长。IPP5是一个新型的蛋白磷酸酶1(PP1)抑制因子,IPP5从大鼠胚胎14.5天到成年一直选择性地高表达在初级感觉神经元中,并且在成年大鼠坐骨神经损伤动物模型中显著下调。我们的研究发现,IPP5作为一个神经元内在因子抑制初级感觉神经元突起生长。这种抑制作用依赖于IPP5与PP1的结合和对PP1蛋白磷酸酶活性的抑制,IPP5与PP1、TβRI 受体形成复合体,调控转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)/Smad信号通路来抑制神经突起的生长。该研究揭示了选择性高表达在初级感觉神经元中的IPP5对其生长的功能调控和分子细胞机制,扩展了对神经元内在的抑制性分子的理解。该项工作由博士研究生韩清见等在鲍岚研究员的指导下完成。
IPP5 inhibits neurite growth in primary sensory neurons by maintaining TGF-β/Smad signaling
Qing-Jian Han1, Nan-Nan Gao1, Guo-QiangMa1, Zhen-Ning Zhang1, Wen-Hui Yu1, Jing Pan1, Qiong Wang1, Xu Zhang2 and Lan Bao1,*
During nerve regeneration, neurite growth is regulated by both intrinsic molecules and extracellular factors. Here, we found that inhibitor 5 of protein phosphatase 1 (IPP5), a newly identified inhibitory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), inhibited neurite growth in primary sensory neurons as an intrinsic regulator. IPP5 was highly expressed in the primary sensory neurons of rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and was downregulated after sciatic nerve axotomy. Knocking down IPP5 with specific shRNA increased the length of the longest neurite, the total neurite length and the number of neurite ends in cultured rat DRG neurons. Mutation of the PP1-docking motif K8IQF11 or the PP1-inhibiting motif at Thr34 eliminated the IPP5-induced inhibition of neurite growth. Furthermore, biochemical experiments showed that IPP5 interacted with type I transforming growth factor-β receptor (TβRI) and PP1 and enhanced transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β)/Smad signaling in a PP1-dependent manner. Overexpressing IPP5 in DRG neurons aggravated TGF-β-induced inhibition of neurite growth, which was abolished by blocking PP1 or IPP5 binding to PP1. Blockage of TGF-β signaling with the TβRI inhibitor SB431542 or Smad2 shRNA attenuated the IPP5-induced inhibition of neurite growth. Thus, these data indicate that selectively expressed IPP5 inhibits neurite growth by maintaining TGF-β signaling in primary sensory neurons.