在人和其他灵长类动物中,视觉信息以并行的方式沿不同的视觉通路进行处理。传统观点认为,视觉中的运动信息在背侧通路(dorsal pathway)处理,而不是在腹侧通路(ventral pathway)。而该组的研究表明,背侧和腹侧通路都存在视觉运动信息的处理,而不同通路的处理可能服务于不同的功能目的。
A Motion Direction Preference Map in Monkey V4
Peichao Li, Shude Zhu, Ming Chen, Chao Han, Haoran Xu, Jiaming Hu, Yang Fang, Haidong D. Lu
In the primate visual system, area V4 is located in the ventral pathway and is traditionally thought to be involved in processing color and form information. However, little is known about its functional role in processing motion information. Using intrinsic signal optical imaging over large fields of view in V1, V2, and V4, we mapped the direction of motion responses in anesthetized macaques. We found that V4 contains direction-preferring domains that are preferentially activated by stimuli moving in one direction. These direction-preferring domains normally occupy several restricted regions of V4 and tend to overlap with orientation- and color-preferring domains. Single-cell recordings targeting these direction-preferring domains also showed a clustering, as well as a columnar organization of V4 direction-selective neurons. These data suggest that, in contrast to the classical view, motion information is also processed in ventral pathway regions such as area V4.