Marcello Massmini及其同事想出了一种新的方法来检测这种脑子的复杂性,或者说有多少整合及信息流动正在大脑中发生。他们的方法被称作扰动复杂性指数(PCI),它涉及用一个强力的磁刺激对整个脑子进行一次轻微的“震动”并记录神经元的反应。这些数据可接着被用来计算大脑作为一个整体能够产生的信息量。值得注意的是,该PCI无需患者从事任何的感觉、运动或认知的任务。研究人员在脑损伤病人、用不同药物进行麻醉的病人及在清醒、深度睡眠或做梦的病人中测试了这种技术。PCI反映了在每一种状态下参与者的意识水平。这些结果提示,不同的意识水平与大脑反应的复杂性有着紧密的联系。例如,发现在其它情况下完全没有反应的病人的PCI值高于睡眠或麻醉时的水平将提示她或他在一定程度上是有意识的。尽管需要做更多的研究,但这种PCI可能对于在医院的病床边检测病人的意识而言是一种有用的工具。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Sci Transl Med DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3006294
A Theoretically Based Index of Consciousness Independent of Sensory Processing and Behavior
Adenauer G. Casali1,*,†, Olivia Gosseries2,*, Mario Rosanova1, Mélanie Boly2,‡, Simone Sarasso1, Karina R. Casali1,3, Silvia Casarotto1, Marie-Aurélie Bruno2, Steven Laureys2, Giulio Tononi4 and Marcello Massimini
One challenging aspect of the clinical assessment of brain-injured, unresponsive patients is the lack of an objective measure of consciousness that is independent of the subject’s ability to interact with the external environment. Theoretical considerations suggest that consciousness depends on the brain’s ability to support complex activity patterns that are, at once, distributed among interacting cortical areas (integrated) and differentiated in space and time (information-rich). We introduce and test a theory-driven index of the level of consciousness called the perturbational complexity index (PCI). PCI is calculated by (i) perturbing the cortex with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to engage distributed interactions in the brain (integration) and (ii) compressing the spatiotemporal pattern of these electrocortical responses to measure their algorithmic complexity (information). We test PCI on a large data set of TMS-evoked potentials recorded in healthy subjects during wakefulness, dreaming, nonrapid eye movement sleep, and different levels of sedation induced by anesthetic agents (midazolam, xenon, and propofol), as well as in patients who had emerged from coma (vegetative state, minimally conscious state, and locked-in syndrome). PCI reliably discriminated the level of consciousness in single individuals during wakefulness, sleep, and anesthesia, as well as in patients who had emerged from coma and recovered a minimal level of consciousness. PCI can potentially be used for objective determination of the level of consciousness at the bedside.