约克大学的Alan Wilson参与了这项研究,他告诉本网站说,这些糖分子会导致人体强烈的免疫应答。Wilson说,这是很不寻常的,因为通常寄生虫要躲避宿主的免疫系统。现在这种情况看上去就像寄生虫使用糖分子引开免疫系统,从而让幼虫和卵不被发现。
埃及坦塔大学的医学教授Morad Ahmed Morad告诉本网站说,这项工作为这种寄生虫的生命周期提供了一些见解,而且可能有助于克服疫苗研发的一些困难。(农博网)
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 6:1485-1499, 2007.
Glycomics Analysis of Schistosoma mansoni Egg and Cercarial Secretions*,S
Jihye Jang-Lee, Rachel S. Curwen, Peter D. Ashton, Bérangère Tissot, William Mathieson, Maria Panico, Anne Dell,¶, R. Alan Wilson and Stuart M. Haslam,||
From the Division of Molecular Biosciences, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom and Department of Biology, University of York, York YO10 5YW, United Kingdom
The parasitic helminth Schistosoma mansoni is a major public health concern in many developing countries. Glycoconjugates, and in particular the carbohydrate component of these products, represent the main immunogenic challenge to the host and could therefore represent one of the crucial determinants for successful parasite establishment. Here we report a comparative glycomics analysis of the N- and O-glycans derived from glycoproteins present in S. mansoni egg (egg-secreted protein) and cercarial (0–3-h released protein) secretions by a combination of mass spectrometric techniques. Our results show that S. mansoni secrete glycoproteins with glycosylation patterns that are complex and stage-specific. Cercarial stage secretions were dominated by N-glycans that were core-xylosylated, whereas N-glycans from egg secretions were predominantly core-difucosylated. O-Glycan core structures from cercarial secretions primarily consisted of the core sequence Galß13(Galß16)GalNAc, whereas egg-secreted O-glycans carried the mucin-type core 1 (Galß13GalNAc) and 2 (Galß13(GlcNAcß16)GalNAc) structures. Additionally we identified a novel O-glycan core in both secretions in which a Gal residue is linked to the protein. Terminal structures of N- and O-glycans contained high levels of fucose and include stage-specific structures. These glycan structures identified in S. mansoni secretions are potentially antigenic motifs and ligands for carbohydrate-binding proteins of the host immune system