生物谷报道:在以色列Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center(BIDMC )的研究人员揭示,一组钙离子通道在引发炎症反应中起到至关重要的作用。这不仅解开了长期以来气喘和过敏症状的分子奥秘,同时也发现了肥大细胞的重要功能。他们的研究结果刊登在2008年1月发行的《自然·免疫学》(Nature Immunology)上。
据该项研究第一作者、BIDMC病理部和哈佛医学院的研究人员Monika Vig博士说,在全身的组织中都发现免疫细胞组,但人们曾经认为肥大细胞只在过敏性反应中起作用。肥大细胞在胚囊中贮存炎性细胞因子及化合物(包括组织胺和肝素),形成 “颗粒”。当肥大细胞遇到一种过敏原(比如说花粉)这些“颗粒”降解,'释放出其内容物而引发过敏性反应。
为了使肥大细胞行使功能,它们需要一个生物信号--具体来说,就是需要钙离子。钙离子进出细胞的方式是通过离子通道,即CRAC流(calcium-release-activated calcium,激活钙释放的钙)。去年,包括Vig在内的几个研究小组,鉴定了CRACM1为编码这个钙离子通道的确切基因。
哈佛医学院的资深作者、病理学教授Jean-Pierre Kinet说,这些发现提供了遗传证据,显示CRAC通道是肥大细胞活化所必需的。这个结果证明了如下概念:CRAC通道的抑制剂应能对肥大细胞相关疾病,包括气喘,过敏性疾病起作用 。
Vig还说 ,因为肥大细胞也与其他几个损害人健康的疾病(包括多发性硬化,类风湿关节炎及癌症)有关系,因此将来CRAC通道的抑制剂,能用于减缓疾病的发展以及减轻疾病的症状。
Nature Immunology 9, 89 - 96 (2007)
Published online: 2 December 2007 | doi:10.1038/ni1550
Defective mast cell effector functions in mice lacking the CRACM1 pore subunit of store-operated calcium release–activated calcium channels
Monika Vig1, Wayne I DeHaven2, Gary S Bird2, James M Billingsley1, Huiyun Wang1, Patricia E Rao3, Amy B Hutchings3, Marie-Hélène Jouvin1, James W Putney2 & Jean-Pierre Kinet1
CRACM1 (also called Orai1) constitutes the pore subunit of store-operated calcium release–activated calcium channels. A point mutation in the gene encoding CRACM1 is associated with severe combined immunodeficiency disease in humans. Here we generated CRACM1-deficient mice in which -galactosidase activity 'reported' CRACM1 expression. CRACM1-deficient mice were smaller in size. Mast cells derived from CRACM1-deficient mice showed grossly defective degranulation and cytokine secretion, and the allergic reactions elicited in vivo were inhibited in CRACM1-deficient mice. We detected robust CRACM1 expression in skeletal muscles and some regions of the brain, heart and kidney but not in the lymphoid regions of thymus and spleen. In contrast, we found CRACM2 expression to be much higher in mouse T cells. In agreement with those findings, the store-operated calcium influx and development and proliferation of CRACM1-deficient T cells was unaffected. Thus, CRACM1 is crucial in mouse mast cell effector function, but mouse T cell calcium release–activated calcium channels are functional in the absence of CRACM1.
Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA.
Laboratory of Signal Transduction, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, USA.
Synta Pharmaceuticals, Lexington, Massachusetts 02421, USA.
Correspondence to: Monika Vig1 e-mail: mvig@bidmc.harvard.edu